Die Liebe ist ewig/ Love’s Eternal

In Liebe, ein Gefühl so tief und wahr,
Verbindet Herzen, fern und nah,
Die Liebe ist ewig, wie ein Stern am, Himmelzalt,
In ihrem Glanz die Welt erhellt.

Sie kennt keine Grenzen, Keine Zeit,
Ist stark wie ein Berg, von Ewigkeit geweiht,
Die Liebe ist ein Band, das uns verwebt,
In ihr finden wir, was uns im leben fehlt.

In dunklen Stunden, in stürmischer Nacht,
Die Liebe ist unser Leuchtturm, unsere Pracht,
Sie führt uns sicher durch das Leben,
Ewig wird sie uns ihr Licht geben.

So lasst uns ehren, was verbindet hier,
Die Liebe, stark und wunderbar,
Sie wird uns tragen, durch alle Zeit,
Die Liebe ist ewig, in Dunkelheit und Licht. 

English Version

In love, a feeling so deep and true,
Connects hearts, far and near,
Love is eternal, like a star in the sky,
Illuminates the world in its splendor.

She knows no limits, no time,
Is strong as a mountain, consecrated from eternity,
Love is a bond that binds us together,
In it we find what we are missing in life.

In dark hours, in stormy nights,
Love is our lighthouse, our splendor,
She guides us safely through life,
She will give us her light forever.

So let us honor what connects us here,
Love, strong and wonderful,
She will carry us through all time,
Love is eternal, in darkness and light.


Victim of Rebound

Girl Version:
Just 'cause you failed with her, I'm an easy pick,
A heart in ruins, seeking solace from the breakup's hiccup.
But don't mistake my fragile state for weakness deep within,
I'll rise from the ashes, a phoenix born from where I've been.

Just 'cause you failed with her, I won't be your rebound,
I won't be another chapter in a love that's not profound. 
I deserve more than moments, transient and untrue,
I'll wait for love that's genuine, a connection that feels true.

Just 'cause you failed with her, I won't settle for less,
I won't be your escape from a love that caused distress.
I'll heal my wounded heart, find strength in being free,
In time, I'll rediscover love, the way it's meant to be.

Just 'cause you failed with her, I'll find my own way,
I'll rise above the wreckage, where emotions led astray.
No longer a victim of rebound, I'll write my own love story,
With chapters filled with self-worth, resilience, and glory. 

Thunders Mighty Call

Amidst the march to battle, a soldier's grim tale,
"Don't you hear the cackle of thunder, so vile?
Being struck on his godforsaken earth we tread,
The flash of lightning, night's darkest dread."

With voices hushed, they heed his somber word,
As the Vexecious God of Thunder roared,
"Don't you see the heavens alight with wrath?
The tears of rain fall hard on our path."

Each step they take, a tremor in their soul,
In the shadow of war, where darkness takes its toll,
The Soldier's tale, a haunting, fateful verse,
As they march to confront a merciless curse.