Were feelings ever involved, or was it all a game, A scheme of calculated vengeance, where hearts bore the blame, You used me as a weapon, to wound your past love's pride, In this twisted dance of revenge, true emotions tried to hide. Were feelings ever involved, or was it all a lie, A charade of affection, masking intentions awry, I was but a pawn in your plot, a pawn in your cruel quest, To replace one heart with another, in this love's cruel jest. Were feelings ever involved, or was it all for show, A masquerade of passion, where genuine emotions don't flow, I played my role, oblivious, thinking love was our guide, But in the shadow of revenge, my heart was cast aside. Were feelings ever involved, or was it all a facade, A hollow imitation of love, a relationship flawed, I was the victim of revenge, a pawn in your grand scheme, In the end, we both paid the price, in love's bitter, shattered dream.