Radiant Bonds: The Laser’s Dance of Friendship

In a city of lights, on a parking garage's 
Slimy Persavol perched, the laser in jest.
A red dot that dances, teases and plays,
Short Stack Sell's window, in its radiant 

With mischievous laughter, Slimy takes aim,
Guiding the pointer, a playful, bright flame.
Short Stack looks around, trying to see,
The source of the sparkle, the laughter set 

On rooftops and ledges, the friendship 
takes flight,
Through taunts and through antics, their 
bond shining bright.
Slimy and Short Stack, a pair so unique,
In laser pointer's laughter, memories they'll 

Though windows may separate, laughter 
draws near,
A friendship so cherished, forever sincere.
In Slimy's fun gestures, and Short Stack's 
A tale of two friends, in a world of their 

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