Anxious Attachments

Created: 23/08/12

Attachment anxiety, a weight within my 
A constant fear of love's fragile test, Apart 
from you, my heart's in a bind, Anxious 
thoughts swirling in my mind.

A longing for closeness, a need to be near,
Drowning in worry, consumed by my fear,
What if you leave, what if you go?
A relentless unease that continues to grow.

In your embrace, I find solace and peace,
But in separation, my worries increase,
A cycle of doubt, a relentless fight,
Attachment anxiety, a constant plight. 

Yet, I strive for balance, for love that's true,
To ease the grip of fear's cruel view, with
patience and care, I aim to find, A love
that's secure, gentle, and kind.

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