Longing for the Void

In the depths of silence, a Longing Burns,
To Embrace the void, where Anger Churns,
Where shadows Dance, and echoes Fade,
Alone with myself, In A Rage Unswayed.

In this realm of emptiness, I find release,
No masks to wear, no pretense, no peace,
Just the raw essence of fury untamed,
A solitary soul, with anger inflamed.

No judgment here, no prying eyes,
No need to hide the seething cries,
In the void, I'm free to just be,
To vent, to roar, to set myself free.

No need to conform to the world's design,
In the silence, rage and truth align,
To unleash the depths of my soul's disdain,
To find the strength to embrace the pain.

I long for the void, where time suspends,
No distractions, no ties, no amends,
In the stillness, my heart finds its song,
A symphony of solitude, angry and strong.

To wander unbound through vast cosmic 
In the solitude, I learn to trust,
To face myself, my wrath, my tears,
To embrace the rage without any fears.

No one around to judge or compare,
In the void, I'm free from the world's cold 
I'll seek solace there, where stars shine 
And unleash the fury, both day and night.

For in the void, I find my truest me,
Unburdened, unbound, unfettered, and 
A dance of rage, a solitary thrust,
In the boundless void, I find my trust.

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