Deceptive Embrace: Unmasking Love Bombing


In a realm of deceit, where shadows dance, 
There lies a tactic, a cruel romance.
Love bombing, it's called, a manipulative art,
A toxic allure, a deceitful sweetheart.

With honeyed words and gestures grand, 
They sweep you up in their cunning plan.
Like a whirlwind of affection, they draw you near, 
But beware, my friend, for danger lurks here.

They shower you with praise, a captivating spell,
Their affection overwhelms, like a sweet-scented swell.
They whisper promises, make you feel adored, 
But beneath the surface, a trap is carefully stored.

Love bombing, a facade, a twisted embrace, 
Designed to bind you in a tight, suffocating space.
Their affections, like petals, wilt and fade, 
Leaving you broken, vulnerable, betrayed.

Their love is a weapon, a manipulative game, 
To control your thoughts, your actions, your name.
They prey on your vulnerabilities, exploit your desire,
Leaving you lost, consumed by the fire.

But listen, dear heart, do not be swayed,
For love should be gentle, not a game to be played.
Recognize the signs, the false promises they bring, 
And break free from the chains of their insidious string

Hold onto your worth, your strength, and your voice, 
Don't let their love bombing drown out your choice.
In the face of their tactics, stand tall and strong, 
For true love is patient, it would never steer you wrong.

So, shield your heart, be cautious, be wise,
Don't let love bombing cloud your clear skies.
Find love that's authentic, built on trust and respect, 
And let manipulative tactics be forever in retrospect.

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