Birth, Purpose, Destiny


In a regal chamber, King Xouthoe did say,
To his beloved children, in a tender display,
“The days of your birth, dear ones, hold great worth,
And the day you uncover your purpose on Earth.”

With wisdom profound, his voice gentle and clear,
He wove a tale of purpose, for all hearts to hear,
Like the rising sun’s glow on a canvas of gold,
His words danced in verses, captivating and bold.

“The moment you entered this world, my dear child,
A miracle unfolded, your spirit unbeguiled,
Your presence bestowed a gift, pure and divine,
A spark in this tapestry of life, ever so fine.

Yet more than the day you drew your first breath,
Lies a quest, a journey that brings forth your depth,
The day you discover your calling, your raison d’être,
A purpose unveiled, a destiny fair and square.

For life, my precious ones, is a mysterious rhyme,
A tapestry woven through the corridors of time,
And as you seek, explore, and embrace your quest,
The tapestry’s colors will harmonize at its best.

Listen closely to your heart, its whispering plea,
A melody of dreams, longing to be set free,
For within each soul, a unique purpose awaits,

A purpose that kindles love, the world elevates.

The days you were born, my children, hold great might,
But the day you find your why, illuminates the night,
Embrace your passions, let them guide your way.
For purpose, my darlings, ignites life’s grand ballet.”

And so, in the presence of a wise and caring king,
His children were inspired, their souls taking wing,
Fort they understood, with hearts wide open and clear,
That their purpose awaited, shining ever so near.

The most important days, a truth deeply ingrained,
In the hearts of his children, a legacy sustained,
King Xouthoe’s words, a beacon in their skies,
As they embarked on their journeys, with purpose as their prize.

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