Embracing Redemption: A Journey from Self-Harm to Self-Love

Ever since I was a child. I convinced myself that I needed to hurt myself in order to punish myself for anything going wrong in my life. But then… I remembered you.


In the depths of my soul’s darkest hue,
Lies a tale of pain and self-undoing, true.
Since childhood’s days, I believed the lie,
That self-inflicted harm would make wrongs right.

A twisted belief took hold within,
That punishment was the path to absolution’s kin.
But in a moment’s grace, you came to mind,
A memory resurfaced, gentle and kind.

You, the beacon of love and light,
The one who showed me a different sight.
In your presence, my heart would soar,
And thoughts of self-harm would haunt no more.

For in your embrace, I found solace rare,
A love that whispered, “You’re worthy, fair.”
The chains of self-punishment began to break,
As your memory helped my soul awake.

No longer bound by the cycle of pain,
I started to heal, to rise, to regain.
You reminded me of the beauty I possess,
And that self-love is the path to progress.

So, as I leave behind the shadows of past,
A new journey begins, one that will last.
With gratitude, I hold your memory dear,
For helping me break free from self-inflicted fear.