ballet de mariposas

In the realm of summer's golden haze,
Where vibrant hues set hearts ablaze,
A ballet of wonders takes to the air,
Butterflies flutter without a care.

Graceful dancers in sunlight's gleam,
They paint the meadows in a dream,
Wings adorned in hues so bright,
A kaleidoscope of sheer delight.

With fragile wings, they take flight,
A symphony of colors, pure and light,
They dance upon the zephyr's breeze,
A sight that puts the mind at ease.

Butterflies, ambassadors of the sun,
In gardens, they frolic and have fun,
Sipping nectar from the sweetest blooms,
Their presence dispels all earthly glooms.

In whispered whispers, they softly speak,
Of secrets held by nature, so unique,
Their delicate flutter, a gentle touch,
A reminder that beauty means so much.

Oh, butterflies, summer's sweetest guests,
Through meadows and forests, they jest,
They bring a warmth to each sunny day,
As nature's poetry comes out to play.

So, let us celebrate their whimsical flight,
Embrace the magic they bring to sight,
In the symphony of summer's chime,
Butterflies dance through endless time.

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