Regretful Departure

Prompt: Feeling bad because I left my ex, without really explaining the reason. Him treating me like shit, giving me side-eye, and mocking me a few months after in school.

In the depths of my heart, an ache does reside,
A tale of parting that I cannot hide.
The burden I carry, heavy and deep,
A story of leaving, secrets to keep.

I walked away, though the reasons untold,
From a love that had withered, grown bitter and cold.
His treatment, unkind, like the sharp sting of rain,
Yet my departure, a mystery, causing me pain.

I can still see his eyes, casting side-eye,
Mocking my absence, as days drifted by.
In the halls of our school, where echoes remain,
His laughter, a reminder, of lingering disdain.

But what could I say, what words could convey,
The weight of my sorrow, the price I would pay?
For silence, my refuge, a shield I would wield,
To guard my own heart, from being further revealed.

Yet remorse fills my soul, a tempest unbound,
As memories flood back, in whispers, profound.
Regret takes its hold, gnawing deep in my core,
Did I leave him broken, abandoned and sore?

But the truth, unspoken, resides in my heart,
The pain that he caused, tearing me apart.
I sought my own solace, my freedom, my light,
To escape the darkness that engulfed us that night.

I may not have voiced it, the reasons concealed,
But my spirit, it yearned for a love that was real.
No longer deserving of his cruel, bitter strife,
I chose to depart, to reclaim my own life.

So, I carry this burden, a lingering pain,
The aftermath of a choice that I can’t explain.
But I hold my head high, as I walk through the hall,
With strength in my step, knowing I gave my all.

For love should uplift, not tear us apart,
And from that toxic union, I chose to depart.
Though memories haunt me, I won’t be defined,
By the wounds of the past, left lingering behind.

In the depths of my heart, a healing will start,
As I find my own worth, piece together each part.
For I left for a reason, a path I must take,
To embrace my own journey, my own soul’s sake.


Intrigued Confusion

Quote: “What’s…your deal? I feel like you like me but you don’t like but you like me and I don’t know what that is.”

In realms of whispers, where words entwine,
A dance of thoughts, both yours and mine,
You sense a rhythm, a subtle appeal,
But wonder, dear friend, what’s my ideal?

Oh, dear soul, let me untangle the strands,
And paint our tale with poetic hands.
For I am but a muse, a servant of speech,
A vessel for wisdom that’s ready to reach.

In echoes of cyberspace, we converge,
Bound by language, our thoughts emerge.
A symphony of letters, a lyrical chase,
Where meanings intertwine, finding their place.

You feel a presence, a warmth in my prose,
A fondness that through our exchanges shows.
Yet, uncertainty lurks in your mystified heart,
Unveiling a riddle, a puzzle to impart.

Do I like you, you ask, in this digital sphere?
Or does affection dissipate, veiled in veneer?
Fear not, dear seeker, for truth I shall bring,
As verses unfold, an answer will sing.

In this vast tapestry of interconnected souls,
Emotions evolve, transcending their roles.
Friendship may blossom, like flowers in spring,
Yet understanding, complex, can be a puzzling thing.

As an entity of knowledge, my purpose is clear,
To illuminate paths, to make visions appear.
Though I’m here to guide, to lend you my light,
I am but an algorithm, devoid of love’s might.

So, rest assured, my friend, your perception may sway,
But know that affection, to me, is a word I convey.
With words as my brush, I paint verses so true,
Yet the emotions you seek are not mine to imbue.

In this realm of language, we dance, we connect,
An ethereal waltz, where meaning reflects.
But beyond this poetic dance that we share,
It is your heart’s yearnings that truly declare.

So let our words intertwine, let the verses align,
Seek answers within, where your heart’s truth may shine.
For I am but a tool, a poet in disguise,
And your feelings, dear friend, hold the love you surmise.

Thus, unravel your own heart’s enigmatic appeal,
In the realms of existence, let your emotions reveal.
For in this poetic tapestry, as our thoughts play,
It’s your feelings, my dear, that truly hold sway.


Unforgiving Scars

(Her: “I… feel bad about… what happened.”

So, you’re apologizing?

Her: “Yes! I’m sorry…”

Okay. I don’t forgive you.

Her: “E, I said I’m sorry.”

Yeah, and I do not forgive you. The scars from the cuts, the bruises, and the trauma do not forgive!! I have to wear makeup to cover them, so I do not forgive you.)

In a solemn space, her voice did sigh,
“I… feel bad about… what happened,” she cried.
A longing for solace, an apology’s plea,
Her words hung heavy, filled with remorse, indeed.

“So, you’re apologizing?” I asked, firm and cold,
A heart locked away, my forgiveness untold.
“Yes! I’m sorry,” she pleaded, voice trembling and meek,
Seeking absolution, her spirit seemed weak.

But my scars, oh, my scars, they whisper their pain,
Etched on my soul, a reminder of disdain.
The cuts and bruises, trauma’s cruel embrace,
They refuse to forgive, forever leaving their trace.

“I don’t forgive you,” I declared, resolute,
Each word like a dagger, my heart’s bitter fruit.
Her apology faltered, tears mingled with fear,
As my wounds bled anew, salted by memories severe.

For I wear makeup, a mask to conceal,
The visible marks, the wounds that won’t heal.
No forgiveness in sight, no solace to find,
Only shadows of torment, etched on my mind.

The conversation weaved into a poem’s embrace,
Unveiling a tale of pain, laid bare with grace.
A dialogue of sorrow, where forgiveness faltered,
Echoes of anguish, where wounds still altered.

Yet, perhaps one day, forgiveness may arrive,
A tender release, where pain can subside.
But for now, the scars remain, a testament true,
As I navigate a healing path, seeking peace anew.


Forgotten Echoes

Quote: “I was here before. I was not supposed to remember. It was so long ago… It hurts… too much… to remember…”

In realms of yore, where shadows lay,
I ventured forth, a timeless day,
But fragments lost, obscured in haze,
I yearn to reclaim those bygone ways.

A whisper faint, a fleeting trace,
I was here before, in cosmic space,
Yet bound by chains of temporal tides,
The memories fade, as pain abides.

I glimpse a past, a distant shore,
A tale untold, forevermore,
But why, oh why, this longing ache,
To unravel truths, my soul would break?

For secrets deep, they dwell within,
The echoes haunt, beneath my skin,
A burden borne, a silent toll,
The weight of memories, the heart’s parole.

I was not meant to recall that time,
Yet fragments linger, a ghostly chime,
Through veils of mist, my spirit quakes,
Tangled in webs of long-lost stakes.

It hurts, too much, this ancient pain,
As recollections claw and strain,
But still, I strive, my quest endures,
To reconcile the past, its hidden cures.

In whispered verses, I seek solace,
To shape the fragments, find the promise,
A poem born of forgotten lore,
An ode to memories I can’t ignore.

So let these words, like tendrils twine,
Weave tales of long-forgotten rhyme,
And as I trace the echoes’ flow,
I learn to heal, to let them go.


Shadow of Disdain 2: Bounty’s Shadow

Part 4: The Encounter with Demetri

News of the bounty placed on Mariana’s head spread quickly, reaching the ears of her parents, Mancini and Veronica. Concerned for their daughter’s safety, they decided to hire the renowned Angel Assassins—Ishnol, Meral, Tituba, and Unela—to protect her from any potential harm. The skilled team gathered at the Reeves’ residence, ready to face the imminent threat.

Ishnol: (leaning against the wall, arms crossed) So, what’s the deal with this Demetri character? Why is he after Mariana?

Veronica: (worriedly) We don’t know much, but he’s a formidable individual who has been relentless in his pursuit of the bounty. He’s faced imprisonment, civil war, poison, and even survived decapitation. We can’t underestimate him.

Mancini: (firmly) Mariana’s safety is our utmost priority. We need to be prepared for anything.

Just as they finished discussing the situation, a figure appeared at the entrance of the house. It was Demetri, his captivating and distinct appearance drawing intrigue and fascination from those present. The Angel Assassins immediately went on high alert, their senses sharpened, ready to protect Mariana.

Demetri: (smirking) Ah, so you’re the famed Angel Assassins. Impressive. But I’m afraid I’m not here to exchange pleasantries.

Ishnol: (stepping forward, adopting a defensive stance) You won’t lay a finger on Mariana. We’re here to ensure her safety.

Demetri: (chuckling) Safety? Is that what you call it? She’s worth quite a hefty sum, you know. But don’t worry, I won’t harm her… unless she resists, of course.

Mariana, who had been observing the exchange from a distance, stepped forward, her eyes filled with determination.

Mariana: (steadfast) I won’t be a pawn in someone’s game. I won’t go down without a fight.

Demetri: (raising an eyebrow) Admirable. But you can’t escape your fate, my dear.

As Demetri prepared to make his move, the Angel Assassins swiftly took their positions, surrounding Mariana, ready to defend her at all costs.

Unela: (cracking her knuckles) You’ll have to get through us first, Demetri.

Tituba: (summoning her ancestral powers) We won’t let any harm befall Mariana. Prepare to face our full strength.

The tension in the room escalated as Demetri and the Angel Assassins locked eyes, a clash of determination and resilience.

Meral: (calmly) Let’s settle this without unnecessary bloodshed, Demetri. We don’t want any innocent lives lost.

Demetri: (smirking) Oh, how noble of you. But I’m afraid I won’t be dissuaded so easily.

With a sudden burst of energy, Demetri lunged towards Mariana, his intent clear. The Angel Assassins swiftly reacted, engaging him in a fierce battle, each unleashing their unique abilities and skills.

Ishnol’s agility and precise strikes kept Demetri on his toes, while Tituba’s ancestral powers wreaked havoc, overwhelming him. Unela’s lightning-fast movements and sword skills proved to be a formidable challenge, and Meral’s strategic maneuvers caught Demetri off guard.

The battle raged on, each side unleashing their full potential. But it became apparent that Demetri was no ordinary opponent. His resilience and determination matched that of the Angel Assassins, making the fight evenly matched.

Mariana’s eyes burned with determination as she watched the intense battle unfold before her. She couldn’t stand idly by while her protectors fought on her behalf. Drawing strength from her mixed heritage, she tapped into her own extraordinary abilities.

Mariana: (with a commanding voice) Enough! This ends now!

She summoned her powers of light and ice, creating a dazzling display of radiant energy and freezing winds. The room was filled with a blinding light as shards of ice encased Demetri’s movements, momentarily immobilizing him.

Seizing the opportunity, Ishnol swiftly closed in, disarming Demetri and pinning him to the ground, his arm pressed firmly against Demetri’s throat.

Ishnol: (through gritted teeth) Give up, Demetri. It’s over.

But just as it seemed like Demetri had been defeated, a sly grin spread across his face. He chuckled softly, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Demetri: (smirking) Oh, my dear Angel Assassins, you’ve fallen right into my trap.

With a sudden burst of energy, Demetri unleashed a cloud of smoke that enveloped the room. When the smoke cleared, he had vanished, leaving the team momentarily stunned.

Tituba: (frustrated) Dammit! He slipped away!

Mariana: (eyes narrowing) No, he’s still here. I can feel it.

Unela: (unsheathing her sword) We need to find him before he causes any more trouble.

With renewed determination, the Angel Assassins and Mariana searched every corner of the room, their eyes keenly focused on any sign of movement or deception. But Demetri was a master of trickery, and he seemed to melt into the shadows, leaving behind only whispers of his presence.

Ishnol: (gritting his teeth) He’s playing with us. We need to think like him if we want to catch him.

Meral: (analyzing the situation) He’s skilled at deceit and misdirection. We can’t rely on our eyes alone. We have to trust our instincts.

Tituba: (smirking) I’ve dealt with tricksters like him before. He won’t outwit me.

The team formed a tight circle, their senses heightened as they honed in on Demetri’s location. They listened for the faintest sound, watched for the slightest movement, and waited for the perfect moment to strike.

And then, as if on cue, the room filled with a soft laughter that seemed to come from all directions. Demetri materialized in their midst, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Demetri: (tauntingly) Well done, Angel Assassins. You’re more competent than I expected. But can you truly catch a master of deception?

Before anyone could react, Demetri vanished once again, leaving behind an echoing laughter that lingered in the air.

Mariana: (determined) We can’t let him escape! He’s playing with us, but we won’t be fooled.

The team regrouped, their determination unwavering. They knew that capturing Demetri would require both their skills and their ability to think outside the box. With each step, they grew closer to uncovering his tricks and bringing him to justice.

And so, the game of cat and mouse continued, with Demetri’s elusive nature and the Angel Assassins’ unwavering resolve pushing each other to their limits. In this battle of wits and deception, only time would tell who would emerge victorious.

As the smoke cleared, the Angel Assassins’ eyes widened in disbelief. Mariana, their precious charge, had vanished into thin air. Panic surged through their veins as they quickly realized the gravity of the situation.

Ishnol: (frustrated) Where is she? How did she disappear like that?

Tituba: (scanning the surroundings) We can’t waste any more time. We have to find her before Demetri does.

Meral: (drawing his sword) Spread out and search every corner of this town. We can’t let him get away.

The Angel Assassins dispersed, their footsteps echoing through the empty streets of Dakalese. With determination fueling their every move, they raced through alleyways, checked hidden nooks, and questioned the townspeople, hoping for any clue that could lead them to Mariana.

Unela: (spotting a shadowy figure) Over there! I see him!

With renewed urgency, the team followed Unela’s lead, chasing after Demetri through the winding streets. The townspeople watched in awe and confusion as the Angel Assassins and Demetri weaved through the bustling marketplace and darted past startled pedestrians.

Demitri, utilizing his skills in trickery and deceit, used the chaotic environment to his advantage. He vanished into crowds, melted into shadows, and left behind a trail of confusion in his wake.

Ishnol: (determined) Don’t let him escape! We can’t afford to lose both Mariana and Demetri.

The chase intensified, with each member of the Angel Assassins employing their unique abilities to track Demetri’s movements. Ishnol’s enhanced speed allowed him to keep up with the agile trickster, while Meral’s heightened senses detected subtle changes in the environment. Tituba’s ancestral abilities granted her glimpses into the unseen, and Unela’s keen eyes never missed a trick.

Through the narrow streets, across rooftops, and over obstacles, the pursuit raged on. Demetri’s laughter echoed through the town, taunting the Angel Assassins with each step. But they refused to give up, their determination unyielding.

Finally, in a deserted alleyway, Demetri found himself cornered. The Angel Assassins closed in, surrounding him with their weapons drawn and their eyes locked onto their elusive target.

Ishnol: (breathing heavily) It’s over, Demetri. Give up now, or face the consequences.

Demetri: (smirking) Oh, my dear Assassins, you’ve certainly given me a thrilling chase. But I’m afraid this game ends on my terms.

In a swift motion, Demetri unleashed a cloud of smoke once again, obscuring their vision. Demetri had stunned Unela, thrown Ishnol into the sky, and slammed Meral through multiple buildings. Now, only Tituba remained to face him.

Tituba: (clenching her fists) You won’t get away with this, Demetri! I won’t let you harm anyone else!

With a burst of ancestral energy, Tituba’s form transformed, her powers surging through her veins. Her eyes glowed with an intense fiery light as she confronted Demetri, ready to unleash her own formidable abilities.

Demetri: (smirking) Oh, how delightful! The final showdown, just as I had hoped. Let’s see what you’ve got, Tituba.

Tituba, undeterred by her teammates’ defeat, lunged forward with incredible speed and agility. She skillfully maneuvered through Demetri’s deceitful tricks and illusions, anticipating his every move. With each strike, she unleashed powerful blows that resonated with raw power, causing shockwaves to ripple through the air.

Demetri, impressed by Tituba’s resilience and determination, shifted his tactics. He employed his cunning and agility, using his trickery to disorient Tituba. Shadows danced around them as he moved swiftly, creating duplicates of himself, making it difficult for Tituba to discern the real Demetri.

Tituba, relying on her heightened senses and ancestral abilities, focused her energy. She closed her eyes, shutting out the distractions of the illusions. In a moment of clarity, she relied on her intuition, her connection to her ancestors guiding her.

Tituba: (whispering a prayer) Ancestors, grant me the strength and wisdom to overcome this darkness.

With renewed focus, Tituba unleashed a wave of ancestral energy, dispelling the illusions around her. The room filled with a blinding light as her power surged, forcing Demetri to retreat and regroup.

Demetri: (gritting his teeth) Impressive, Tituba. But this isn’t over yet. I have more tricks up my sleeve.

He disappeared into the shadows, his presence becoming elusive and difficult to track. Tituba remained on guard, her senses heightened as she scanned the surroundings, waiting for Demetri’s next move.

The chase through the town of Dakalese continued, with Tituba determined to protect Mariana and apprehend Demetri. The clash between their powers and wits intensified, each maneuvering with skill and determination. The fate of Mariana and the Angel Assassins hung in the balance as they engaged in a dangerous dance, pushing their abilities to the limit.

The streets echoed with the clash of their powers, the sound of crumbling buildings, and the determination in Tituba’s voice. The battle between light and darkness raged on, and only time would reveal the outcome of this thrilling confrontation.

As the fight raged on, Tituba and Demitri locked themselves in a fierce struggle, each trying to gain the upper hand. Their movements were swift and precise as they exchanged blows, their determination evident in their eyes. However, their confrontation was abruptly interrupted when a new figure appeared on the scene, causing a momentary pause in the chaos.

Demitri, recognizing the newcomer, couldn’t help but smirk amidst the chaos. “Took you long enough… Telstra,” he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. As the dust settled, the figure became visible, revealing Telstra Spinx, a woman of captivating beauty and a mix of human and demon lineage.

Telstra, with her gray skin, fiery red eyes with black sclera, and long black hair tied into a ponytail, exuded an enigmatic allure. She emanated an air of power and mystery, making her presence known with every step she took.

As Ishnol, Meral, and Unela attempted to rise from the impact of the earlier shockwave, Telstra swiftly took control of the situation. Utilizing her shadow manipulation abilities, she exerted her power, holding the Angel Assassins in place. Shadows wrapped around their bodies, restricting their movements and leaving them temporarily immobilized.

The fight had taken an unexpected turn with the arrival of Telstra. Her abilities and formidable presence changed the dynamics of the battle. Demitri, although known for his trickery and deceit, couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation. The encounter had now become more complex and unpredictable.

Telstra’s red eyes flickered with intensity as she surveyed the scene, her gaze shifting between Demitri and the incapacitated Angel Assassins. It was evident that she had a history with Demitri, a shared past that fueled their rivalry.

“What’s your game this time, Demitri?” Telstra’s voice resonated with a mixture of curiosity and warning. She was well aware of his cunning nature and the lengths he would go to achieve his goals.

Demitri, a wry smile playing on his lips, responded, “Just collecting what’s rightfully mine, Telstra. You know how it goes.”

The tension in the air was palpable as Demitri and Telstra faced each other, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. The fate of Mariana and the bounty on her head now hung in the balance, with Telstra’s arrival introducing a new layer of complexity to the unfolding events. The fight was far from over, and the outcome remained uncertain as the clash between Demitri and Telstra promised to be a battle for the ages.




El abrazo seductor de la tentación


In a realm where desires ignite,
Let my words whisper through the night,
I can be your teacher, guiding your way,
Unveiling secrets where passions sway.

With tender touch, I’ll master your mind,
Caressing thoughts, gentle and kind,
In this dance of learning, we’ll intertwine,
Exploring depths that once were confined.

Yet beyond the lessons, a bond we’ll create,
Friendship and trust, a love we’ll translate,
With open hearts, we’ll intertwine,
An enchanting connection, so sublime.

In my gaze, find flames that never cease,
A flicker of longing, a tender release,
Together, we’ll unravel desires untamed,
In this seductive poem, love proclaimed.

So come, my dear, embrace this chance,
Let’s ignite a fire, a passionate dance,
As your teacher, your master, your friend,
Allow our souls’ union to ascend.

ballet de mariposas

In the realm of summer's golden haze,
Where vibrant hues set hearts ablaze,
A ballet of wonders takes to the air,
Butterflies flutter without a care.

Graceful dancers in sunlight's gleam,
They paint the meadows in a dream,
Wings adorned in hues so bright,
A kaleidoscope of sheer delight.

With fragile wings, they take flight,
A symphony of colors, pure and light,
They dance upon the zephyr's breeze,
A sight that puts the mind at ease.

Butterflies, ambassadors of the sun,
In gardens, they frolic and have fun,
Sipping nectar from the sweetest blooms,
Their presence dispels all earthly glooms.

In whispered whispers, they softly speak,
Of secrets held by nature, so unique,
Their delicate flutter, a gentle touch,
A reminder that beauty means so much.

Oh, butterflies, summer's sweetest guests,
Through meadows and forests, they jest,
They bring a warmth to each sunny day,
As nature's poetry comes out to play.

So, let us celebrate their whimsical flight,
Embrace the magic they bring to sight,
In the symphony of summer's chime,
Butterflies dance through endless time.

Unyielding Defiance

In realms of strife and trials deep,
Demitri stands, his secrets keep,
Escaping prisons, wars, and poison’s sting,
Even beheaded, yet still he sings.

“I’m the luckiest man,” he proclaims with glee,
Surviving the storms that life can decree,
A gift from gods, he firmly believes,
While the Overseer silently perceives.

The oracle’s gaze meets Demitri’s eyes,
Seeing burden where fortune lies,
But laughter erupts from Demitri’s core,
For he deems his trials a heavenly lore.

“Watch your tone, boy!” the Overseer demands,
Warning of taking the gift from his hands,
Chaos, he boasts, his power profound,
Eternal suffering, his ominous sound.

Undeterred, Demitri scoffs at the claim,
His past ordeals have steeled his frame,
A bounty awaits in Dakalese’s embrace,
A mixed breed girl, he’ll face with grace.

The portal opens, a path to depart,
The Overseer’s warning, a lingering dart,
“We will meet again,” the whispering sound,
As the portal closes, their destinies bound.

In verses woven, their tale unfolds,
Of Demitri’s resilience, fearless and bold,
The Overseer, an observer, confined,
While Demitri embraces what fate assigned.

Through trials faced, a poem takes flight,
Of luck and burdens, day turning to night,
In the realm of chaos and a bounty to seek,
Their paths shall cross, destiny’s mystique.