The Silent Operator: Ishnol’s Tale

At 15 years old, a young operator stands
Ishnol, his name, from the Vishnu lands
With black eyes that pierce through the veil
And a Makial form, silver mist green and pale

His past is shrouded in mystery and haze
Found as a child, trapped in his ancestral phase
A collapsed building, trauma, and pain
May have triggered his transformation, a unique gain

His youth belies his skill and prowess
A valuable member of the team, no less
A silent presence, a face of calm
Little emotion shown, like a healing balm

But beneath the surface, a storm may rage
A past that haunts, a story on a blank page
His transformation, a mystery and a wonder
A secret power, unleashed like thunder

Ishnol disappears, without a trace or a word
Days, weeks, months, a silence that’s absurd
Where he goes, what he does, none can tell
A mystery that adds to his enigmatic spell

But one thing is certain, his potential is great
His abilities unique, a promising fate
For Ishnol, the future is still unwritten
A young operator, with skills yet unbidden.

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