Shaman of Earth and Stone

Mixaku, the shaman of earth and stone,
From the Tribal Lands he has grown,
Crafting jewelry with expert hands,
Studying ancient lore in tribal lands.

His eyes, a mesmerizing purple hue,
Gaze upon the world with wisdom true,
His skin, an earthy brown and bold,
Tattoos mark him as a shaman, foretold.

In City of Towers, he now resides,
A place where new challenges reside,
Though some may judge and discriminate,
Mixaku stays strong and never abates.

He practices martial arts with grace,
An expert metalworker, he sets the pace,
And with gems, he cuts with skill,
An artist with a craftsman’s will.

But his true gift, a power untold,
Control over earth and stone, behold!
Creating and manipulating golems with ease,
A power few can ever hope to seize.

Recently, he faced his own darkness true,
Confronting it with strength and virtue,
Shattering the mirror that held his fears,
Mixaku is now stronger, with fewer tears.

A journey of self-improvement, he begins,
With personal growth as his heart wins,
Mixaku, the shaman of earth and stone,
A humanoid with a spirit all his own.


Forever Remembered

The quote used: “So in short, remember parents that children can be quite fragile in their early stages of life. They can. And will. Remember everything.”


They Can. And Will. Remember Everything

Tiny hands and fragile bones,
Beneath the weight of heavy stones,
Childhood dreams that fade and die,
Like broken wings that cannot fly.

They can. And will. Remember everything.

A mother’s touch that turns to pain,
A father’s love that wanes in vain,
A broken home, a shattered heart,
A childhood ripped and torn apart.

They can. And will. Remember everything.

The wounds that fester deep inside,
The tears that flow but never subside,
The scars that mar the tender skin,
The innocence lost, the stain within.

They can. And will. Remember everything.

The years go by, the wounds remain,
A constant ache, a lasting stain,
The memories that haunt the night,
The shadows that refuse to take flight.

They can. And will. Remember everything.

The world is cruel, the future bleak,
The pain that lasts, the heart too weak,
The scars that mark the path they tread,
The memories that never truly fade.

They can. And will. Remember everything.


The Silent Operator: Ishnol’s Tale

At 15 years old, a young operator stands
Ishnol, his name, from the Vishnu lands
With black eyes that pierce through the veil
And a Makial form, silver mist green and pale

His past is shrouded in mystery and haze
Found as a child, trapped in his ancestral phase
A collapsed building, trauma, and pain
May have triggered his transformation, a unique gain

His youth belies his skill and prowess
A valuable member of the team, no less
A silent presence, a face of calm
Little emotion shown, like a healing balm

But beneath the surface, a storm may rage
A past that haunts, a story on a blank page
His transformation, a mystery and a wonder
A secret power, unleashed like thunder

Ishnol disappears, without a trace or a word
Days, weeks, months, a silence that’s absurd
Where he goes, what he does, none can tell
A mystery that adds to his enigmatic spell

But one thing is certain, his potential is great
His abilities unique, a promising fate
For Ishnol, the future is still unwritten
A young operator, with skills yet unbidden.