What Once Was

Poem request by London: She gave the first line.

What happened to the good times?
The sun once shone so bright,
Its golden rays a gentle rhyme
That chased away the night.

The flowers bloomed in brilliant hues,
Their petals soft and kind,
And every breeze that gently blew
Brought fragrant peace of mind.

The world was full of wondrous things,
Like birds that sang with glee,
And laughter, like a pair of wings,
Set our hearts and sprites free.

But now it seems the world has
The sun obscured by clouds,
The flowers wilted and deranged,
Their beauty lost in shrouds.

The birds no longer sing their songs,
Their melodies now hushed,
And laughter, once a source of
Has turned to tears, so crushed.

Yet even in this darkest hour,
A glimmer still remains,
A memory of what once was dour,
And hope that it sustains.

For though the world may seem to
Its beauty still endures,
and light of love, we'll wade
Through times that feel unsure.