The Two Kingdoms

In a land of two kingdoms, divided by a sea,
Duality reigns, but empathy sets them free.
Secrets hidden, what ifs linger,
Will peace be found, or will war still linger?

The Kingdom of Dawn, with the sun on their side,
Bask in its warmth, and let it be their guide.
Their people are loyal, their hearts full of love,
But what if they meet the Kingdom of Dusk, a force to be reckoned with, so tough?

The Kingdom of Dusk, cloaked in mystery,
Keeps to themselves, and history is their victory.
Secrecy is their weapon, and their people are strong,
But what if they choose to fight, and their battles last long?

Empathy can heal, and bring these kingdoms together,
For what if they unite, and create something better?
A new world can be born, with the duality they possess,
A new era of peace, and prosperity, no less.

So let us hope, that the what ifs become a reality,
And these two kingdoms, with empathy and duality,
Can find a way, to bring peace to their land,
And together they will stand, hand in hand.


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