Lost in Collection

Created: March 12, 2023

Amidst the clutter of their days
They wandered through a scattered maze
A place where things of varied kind
Were strewn about, but hard to find

They loved the odds and ends they'd keep
A treasure trove, so rich and deep
But in the jumble, they'd lose their way
And wonder where the time would stray

Each piece held meaning, that much they knew 
But where it was, they hadn't a clue 
And so they'd wander through the piles 
Till something caught their eye and smiles

Their life was a collection, that's for sure 
But in it, there was something pure 
A love for beauty in the mix 
And a sense of wonder that did persist

Now they rest beneath the earth 
Their life a testament to worth 
For though they may have been miscellanea 
Their spirit lives on, still full of wonder.

Their legacy lives on in the mess 
The beauty in the chaos they did bless 
And though they may have lost their way 
Their spirit shines bright, still to this day

For in their collection, there was a spark 
A passion for life that left its mark 
And though they may be lost in piles 
Their spirit soars, free from all trials

The odds and ends they held so dear 
Are a reminder that life is not always clear 
But amidst the clutter, there is light 
A beauty that shines, even in the night

So let us honor their memory 
And find the joy in the miscellanea 
For in the jumble, there is grace 
A life well-lived, with a unique trace.

        - Seraphina

The Fake Love

Created: Jan 2, 2020, Last modified: May 23, 2020, 17:53

context: A Conversation I had with a  friend after he found a girl he liked was using him. Been 4 years since then crazy.

quotations are my friend. You know who the other is.

The Fake Love

Created: Jan 2, 2020
Last Modified: May 23, 2020, 17:53

“I thought you cherished me.”

No, it was just fun for her.

“At the point when we remained there, closer than all?”

Well, the harvested moon Was sparkling and
eccentric in your hair, and it turned her head.

“That made her…”

Yes. Simply the moon and the light it made Under the tree.

“Well, her mouth, as well.”

Indeed, her mouth? What’s more, the calm there sang like the drum in the stall.

“she shouldn’t have moved that way.”

Like what?

“So close, “With her head turned up, and the blossom in her hair, a rose that smelt all warm. I adored her. I thought she knew. I wouldn’t have moved like that with any however but she I don’t know.”

I doubt she had the foggiest idea. I thought you realized she was just using you for enjoyment.

“I thought it was the love she signified.”

Well, it’s finished.

“Does it really have to be finished?”

I’ve seen young men stone a blackbird and watched them suffocate
A little cat … it ripped at the reeds, and they drove it down
Into the pool while it shouted.

“The fuck does that mean, Is that fun, as well?”

All things considered, young men resemble that … Your brothers…

“You’re not making sense.”

Be that as it may, she is so beautiful and solid! Calm down! Calm down!”

They don’t comprehend it’s cold-blooded. It’s just a game to them.

“What’s more, are young ladies fun, as well?”

No, still in a way it’s equivalent.

“It’s eccentric and beautiful to have a girl…”

Go on.

“It makes you distraught for a piece to feel she’s your own,

And what, you snicker and kiss her, and perhaps you give her a ring. Be that your thought process I need you to remember, You were just for entertainment only.

“However, I gave her everything.”

All things considered, you shouldn’t have done it.

“You recognize what an individual thinks?”

At the point when a young lady does that of course.

“Furthermore, I consider her a—”

Stop that now. I thought you knew. Yet, it wasn’t with any other individual. It was just you.

“How could I know? I thought she needed it as well. I thought she resembled the rest.”

The rest? The rest of what, the love you shared with her. Indeed, what can anyone do to be done? Is everything right?”



“Positive, but why?”

I don’t have the foggiest idea. I thought you were going to cry.

“You said you had something to let me know.”

“Yeah I did but it seem I was too late so I think I’ll go.



Androids Wish

Song quote: “But I could benefit even more from being an android with a string to pull, and slit in the back for the mass to slip in coins” 1 pm tomorrow? by Zotiyac

Oh, to be an android, devoid of heart and soul,
No emotions to contend with, no sense of self-control.
A string to pull, a slot for coins, the routine of the day,
No complexities, no nuances, just life in a monotonous way.

The masses slip their coins, and watch the android go,
Performing, producing, with no sense of ebb or flow.
No need for personal growth, no call for self-reflection,
Just a life of servitude, free from any human connection.

But wait, what of the heart, the love, the passion deep within,
The joys and sorrows, the triumphs and the sins?
To be an android may seem a life so simple and so clean,
But it denies the very thing that makes us human beings.

So let us cherish our emotions, our hearts, and our souls,
For it is what makes us unique, and sets us apart from those
Who wish to be an android, free from all that we hold dear,
A life without the depth and beauty that we all hold so near.


Iris Stabber

Song quote: “Iris stabber with a glass, I’m collecting until the jar full” 1 pm tomorrow? by Zotiyac

With glass in hand, I pierce the iris,
A stab so sharp, a pain so timeless,
Emotions flow, a jar to fill,
Collecting until, it overfills.

A vessel of glass, to hold it all,
A treasure trove, of rises and falls,
The weight of it, a heavy load,
But I must collect, before it explodes.

My heart aches, my mind a mess,
Each shard of pain, I cannot suppress,
I gather them all, one by one,
Storing them away, until I am done.

The iris stabber, a tool I wield,
To hold my feelings, and never yield,
Until the jar is filled to the brim,
And I can finally breathe, and start again.

Cloudy Corruption

Created March 21, 2023, 20:00 pm


A path once clear and true
Now veiled in misty hue,
A mind once sharp and bright,
Now clouded by a blight.

The whispers in the ear,
Lead down the crooked sphere,
The thoughts once pure and clean,
Now tainted by a sheen.

The choices once so clear,
Now shadowed by a fear
The steps once bold and sure,
Now stumble insecure.

The vision once so grand,
Now lost in shifting sand,
The life once full of grace,
Now stumbling in a daze.

Bound by Chains of Twisted Affection

Created March 25, 2023, 8:19 am

A captive heart, held in a love so
a bond that twists and rearranges,
Emotions tangled, a web of intrigue,
A mind enslaved, unable to break free.

The captor's hold is strong and sure,
Promises of love, so sweet and pure,
But beneath the surface, a darker
A spell of possession, a twisted course.

My heart beats for the captor's hand,
A willing slave to their command,
A love that seems so right, so true,
But beneath the surface, a different might.

The captor's grip is tight and firm,
A twisted love that makes me squirm,
A bond that feels so wrong, so right,
A prisoner to love's twisted might.

Oh, how I wish to be free,
To break the spell and finally see,
That this love is not what it seems,
A captive to a Stockholm dream.

Unresolved Case

Created: February 13, 2023


The crime is a haunting sight,
A puzzle waiting to be solved,
Detectives work throughout the night.

The victim's family, filled with fright,
A killer out there, uninvolved,
The crime scene is haunting sight.

The clues are there, within our sight,
A mystery waiting to be evolved,
Detectives work throughout the night.

A shadow looms, without respite,
The killer's identity, sill unevolved,
The crime scene is a haunting sight.

The clock ticks on, with all it's might,
A race against time, to find who's involved,
Detectives work throughout the night.

The case unsolved, it's quite a plight,
A mystery that must be resolved,
The crime scene is haunting sight,
Detectives work throughout the night.

The illusion of oneself

created: March 25, 2023, 19:26

He wore a straight face every single day,
A fortress of strength, so it would
But beneath the surface, his mind
was decay,
And his soul was lost in a hopeless

The world he lived in was dark and
And each day was a battle he couldn't 
But he hid his pain, so no one would
The tears that flowed deep within.

He could see the beauty around,
Or the love that was offered so freely,
But all he could feel was the hurt that bound,
And the weight of his pain so deeply.

Until one day, he broke down his shell,
and the truth he could no longer deny,
That he needed help, and he wore a 
As he accepted his depression with a

Sting of the Σκορπιός

Oh, how the Scorpio is often
Seen as a creature of the night, cold and
Their strength and passion, often
feared and denied,
Labeled as a venomous, dangerous

Like a phoenix, they rise from the 
With an unbreakable sprit, that never
A Scorpio is like a force of nature,
With a power that cannot be

But these labels, like shackles, bind them
Hiding the depths of their soul from
It's time to break these chains,
let them free, To be seen as whole, not just a sign
to be.

They are like the waves, strong and
Crashing against the shore, with a power
that pierces.
Their emotions run deep, like the 
ocean floor,
But their heart beats with passion
worth exploring more.

So let us not judge them, by hearsay
for they are a mystery, with a tales yet 
to be shown.
Like a book, with many pages yet to
be read,
Let us give them a chance, to be seen
beyond the said.