Eternal Sentinel

Uneka calls out to Ishnol,
As he walks away, without control.
Leaving her behind, once again,
Without a word, or a thought to spend.

But then, she grabs him by the arm,
And he turns, with his eyes alarmed.
Black and white, with a Nordic sign,
A sight that makes her heart decline.

Ishnol speaks of immortality,
A curse that brings him agony,
Endless pain, and suffering,
A life that’s never-ending.

He’s seen things he wishes he hadn’t,
And his soul has been broken and battered.
He can’t be attached to anyone,
For they will die, while he lives on.

He’s been betrayed and held captive,
His gift a curse, that’s so massive.
Uneka tries to understand,
But he’s too broken to take her hand.

He tells her that immortality is a curse,
A fate worse than death, that’s adverse.
A reminder of one’s own insignificance,
In a universe that’s cruel and indifferent.

So Uneka learns from Ishnol’s pain,
And she’ll never see immortality the same.
For his words are a warning, a call,
To never seek what’s not worth it all.

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