Cloudy Corruption

Created March 21, 2023, 20:00 pm


A path once clear and true
Now veiled in misty hue,
A mind once sharp and bright,
Now clouded by a blight.

The whispers in the ear,
Lead down the crooked sphere,
The thoughts once pure and clean,
Now tainted by a sheen.

The choices once so clear,
Now shadowed by a fear
The steps once bold and sure,
Now stumble insecure.

The vision once so grand,
Now lost in shifting sand,
The life once full of grace,
Now stumbling in a daze.

Bound by Chains of Twisted Affection

Created March 25, 2023, 8:19 am

A captive heart, held in a love so
a bond that twists and rearranges,
Emotions tangled, a web of intrigue,
A mind enslaved, unable to break free.

The captor's hold is strong and sure,
Promises of love, so sweet and pure,
But beneath the surface, a darker
A spell of possession, a twisted course.

My heart beats for the captor's hand,
A willing slave to their command,
A love that seems so right, so true,
But beneath the surface, a different might.

The captor's grip is tight and firm,
A twisted love that makes me squirm,
A bond that feels so wrong, so right,
A prisoner to love's twisted might.

Oh, how I wish to be free,
To break the spell and finally see,
That this love is not what it seems,
A captive to a Stockholm dream.

Unresolved Case

Created: February 13, 2023


The crime is a haunting sight,
A puzzle waiting to be solved,
Detectives work throughout the night.

The victim's family, filled with fright,
A killer out there, uninvolved,
The crime scene is haunting sight.

The clues are there, within our sight,
A mystery waiting to be evolved,
Detectives work throughout the night.

A shadow looms, without respite,
The killer's identity, sill unevolved,
The crime scene is a haunting sight.

The clock ticks on, with all it's might,
A race against time, to find who's involved,
Detectives work throughout the night.

The case unsolved, it's quite a plight,
A mystery that must be resolved,
The crime scene is haunting sight,
Detectives work throughout the night.