World of Possibility

Created: March 11, 2023, 20: 31

In a world of dreams, I find control
Where anything is possible, and nothing's old
I know that I'm sleeping, but still I stay
To mold my own reality, in every way.

I soar high above, with the wind in my hair
I dance in the rain, without a single care
I visit distant lands, with colors so bright
Or explore my own mind, deep into the night.

In this world of dreams, I am free
To be who I want, and do as I please
I can talk to people, long gone from this earth
Or create new beings, with endless worth.

The possibilities are endless, in this dreamy place
Where I am the master, of time and space
Though I know I'll, from this magical land
I'll cherish the memories, and hold them close at hand.

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