Reflecting on Love


poem request by anonymous: Legit what he said word for word “Make some love shit jit”

As I look at my reflection,
I see the flaws and imperfections,
But then I remember your affection,
And my heart fills with satisfaction.

You love me for who I am,
Even when I feel like a sham,
You see the beauty in my soul,
And help me reach my goal.

Your love is a mirror,
Reflecting back what’s clearer,
Showing me the best of me,
And how great I can truly be.

Through your love, I see,
A better version of me,
One that’s strong, kind, and true,
All because of my love for you.

So I’ll keep looking in the mirror,
With your love, I have no fear,
I’ll embrace my imperfections,
And love myself with no objections.

Cut Out

Poem request/quote from Makayla: “I’ll cut you out the frame, so I don’t gotta see your face no more.”

In secrecy, we built a love so grand,
But betrayal took hold and it was unplanned,
Your face a reminder of what we used to be,
Now I’ll cut you out the frame, set you free.

My instinct tells me to let you go,
For the bleakness of our love has taken its toll,
No more will I see your face and feel the pain,
I’ll move on, start anew, and be sane.

The secrets we shared now buried deep,
In a grave of memories, I’ll forever keep,
For the love we had was once so pure,
But betrayal cut it down and made it obscure.

So I’ll cut you out the frame, let you fade,
Into the abyss of my mind, forever betrayed,
For in this bleakness, I’ll find my way,
And my instinct tells me, it’s time to walk away.

Secrets, Lies, and Love: A Friendship Survived

She thought she knew her friends so well,
But the lies they told made her heart swell.
She had no clue what they were up to,
The secrets they kept made her feel so blue.

Her friend group full of guys she thought she knew,
But their actions, she realized, were far from true.
One day she saw one in a sling,
Her heart dropped, a sickening feeling.

She went to talk to the one who knew,
The main contributor to what they would do.
She screamed and cursed, betrayed and bleak,
For their secrets and lies had made her weak.

She couldn’t believe they’d kept her in the dark,
Their disregard for their own safety, she found stark.
But through her anger, she showed her love,
For her friends she’d go to the ends of the earth and above.

In the end, they apologized for their ways,
For the lies and secrets they kept in a maze.
They realized they were lucky to still be here,
And promised to be truthful, that much was clear.

Though they almost lost their lives in their pursuit,
Their friendship grew stronger, a solid repute.
The lies and secrecy, now a thing of the past,
Their bond unbreakable, forever to last.

The girl with her friend group full of guys,
Realized the importance of seeing through lies.
Her love for them kept them all together,
Through betrayal and secrets, they’d brave any weather.

Endless Pain

The darkness looms, the shadows creep,
The pain is all that one can keep.
A life of sorrow, a life of woe,
The hurt so deep, it won’t let go.

The agony of every day,
The sadness that just won’t go away,
The weight upon your chest it stays,
A burden you can’t seem to slay.

“Did you really want to die?”
“No,” she said with a tearful eye.
“No one commits suicide because they want to die.”
“Then why do they do it?” he asked with a sigh.

“Because they want to stop the pain,”
She said with a voice full of disdain.
The pain too much, too hard to bear,
The only option is to no longer be there.

The bleakness of a life in pain,
The constant fight to stay sane,
The decision made to end the strife,
To leave this world, to end this life.

World of Possibility

Created: March 11, 2023, 20: 31

In a world of dreams, I find control
Where anything is possible, and nothing's old
I know that I'm sleeping, but still I stay
To mold my own reality, in every way.

I soar high above, with the wind in my hair
I dance in the rain, without a single care
I visit distant lands, with colors so bright
Or explore my own mind, deep into the night.

In this world of dreams, I am free
To be who I want, and do as I please
I can talk to people, long gone from this earth
Or create new beings, with endless worth.

The possibilities are endless, in this dreamy place
Where I am the master, of time and space
Though I know I'll, from this magical land
I'll cherish the memories, and hold them close at hand.

Perseverance Through the Darkness

I’m in the studio, spitting rhymes
Working hard, all through the night
Pushing myself, to be the best I can be
Persevering, through the struggle and strife

Every day, I strive to improve
Reflecting on my journey, in the booth
Analyzing my past, my present, my future
Growing stronger, with each passing suture

But sometimes, it’s hard to see the light
The weight of my dreams, feels like a fight
And though I’m proud of all I’ve achieved
The pain and sadness, cannot be relieved

I pour my heart out, in every verse
The pain and sorrow, can’t be reversed
I keep on going, through the thick and thin
Even though the darkness, tries to win

So here I am, standing tall and strong
Reflecting on my path, where I belong
I’ll keep on pushing, through the stormy weather
Persevering, forever and ever.

Surface Tension

Introverted, deep inside,
My struggles I cannot hide.
It ain’t personal, please don’t take,
I’m just reserved, my space I make.

I hope for the best, but don’t believe,
My trust issues, hard to relieve.
I don’t mess with people, no regret,
Long nights embedded, I won’t forget.

I fear a lonely death, it’s true,
No one left, just blackness, no clue.
Can’t smoke my life, just roll away,
Compassion lost, in disarray.

It ain’t you, don’t take the blame,
My issues mine, I’m not the same.
Pointed fingers, it’s not fair,
Counted on you, but you’re not there.

Surrounding aura, a daunting view,
Obstacles, seem insurmountable, true.
Trying to move forward, leave the past,
Covering scars with money, it won’t last.

Introverted, I am on the surface,
Trying to cope, with my purpose.
Deep down, I know I must strive,
To keep moving forward, and stay alive.