Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a king named Edric. King Edric was a just and fair ruler, but he had one deep-seated fear: Scorpios. The king had been bitten by a Scorpio when he was young, and ever since then, he had an intense fear of them.
As time passed, King Edric’s fear of Scorpios turned into paranoia. He started to believe that Scorpios were a menace to society and needed to be eliminated. So he passed a law that outlawed all Scorpios from entering the kingdom. If anyone found a Scorpio within the kingdom’s walls, they were to be handed over to the authorities, who would burn them alive.
The people of the kingdom were initially reluctant to comply with the king’s law, but they soon began to fear the consequences of defying it. They started to hunt down and turn in anyone they suspected of being a Scorpio, and soon, the kingdom was free of all Scorpios.
King Edric knew that his law was cruel, but he was convinced that it was necessary to keep his people safe. He addressed his subjects to make the law official, and his voice trembled with fear and anger as he spoke.
“My dear subjects,” he began, “I know that this law may seem harsh, but I assure you that it is for your own protection. Scorpios are dangerous creatures, and they pose a grave threat to our way of life. We cannot afford to take any chances with them. Therefore, I decree that all Scorpios within our walls must be handed over to the authorities immediately, or face the consequences of their actions.”
The people of the kingdom nodded solemnly, believing their king’s words. They trusted him to keep them safe, and if he said that Scorpios were dangerous, then it must be true.
However, little did they know that King Edric’s fear and paranoia were clouding his judgment. He was blind to the fact that not all Scorpios were evil and that his law was causing innocent people to suffer and die.
The kingdom was now a place where fear and suspicion reigned supreme, and the people lived in constant terror of the king’s wrath. It was a dark time for the kingdom, and it seemed as though there was no hope for a brighter future.