Echoes of Loss in a Bleak World

Something he made in middle school

Created: November 19, 2017

In the depths of my heart, I feel
The weight of fate’s unyielding steel,
For life, in all its irony,
Offers no respite for the wearily.

Amidst the shadows of my strife,
I seek a glimmer of hope in life,
But hope, a fickle and distant star,
Seems forever beyond my reach, so far.

The world around me, once so bright,
Has lost its way in endless night,
Nature’s beauty now a memory,
Fading fast in man’s misery.

The wind, once a joyful tune,
Now whispers of grief and ruin,
A melancholy hymn to the sky,
As irony reigns and hope runs dry.

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