The Fools Gauntlet

Okay here's another daily poem about the ~ Mark

There's a fool who can't care for
He's a puppet on strings, a mindless 
His friends are mad, frustrated and 
For they see the harm that's been had

He gives and gives, to everyone 
But never to himself, always on the 
His mind is drilled, it's not his fault 
But his friends can't bear the assault

They watch him dance, to someone's 
Hoping the strings break, before he's 
They see the pain, they feel the hurt 
And know it's not his choice to divert

They try to reason, to make him see 
That he's worth more, than just a 
But the fool can't hear, he can't 
For his mind is chained, to someone's 

His friends won't give up, they'll stand 
by his side 
For they care too much, to watch him 
They hope and pray, that one day he'll 
break free 
And have control, over his destiny

For a puppet is not meant, to dance 
forever And the strings will break, eventually 
Then the fool will rise, from his 
And take control, of his own number

His friends will be there, to lend a 
And help him stand, tall and grand 
For true friends don't leave, in times of 
They stay and fight, until they 

Echoes of Sorrow: The Hollow One’s Laughter

So I’m not clowning him on this one it’s just he doesn’t talk about this enough and it needs to be known. (He’ll definitely get me for this. sorry, bro I just can’t stand to see you like this any longer it’s been 7 years and it scares me to see it sometimes.

He was taught to keep his emotions in check,
To hide his feelings, to never reflect,
Tears were a sign of weakness and shame,
And so he buried them, playing the game.

He struggled to express himself freely,
His words were empty, his thoughts unruly,
His heart ached, but he could not show,
The pain that he felt, the inner woe.

He tried to be strong, to be a man,
To hold it all in, to have a plan,
But the pressure built, the burden grew,
And soon he found himself feeling askew.

And when he finally broke, the tears did flow,
But all that showed was a man with a bizarre glow,
A smile, a laugh, that seemed out of place,
A broken soul, lost in the race.

For the lessons he had learned were wrong,
And his heart had suffered for far too long,
The tears he shed were not a sign of defeat,
But a release, a freedom, a chance to be complete.

But the damage was done, and the pain remained,
A reminder of the lessons ingrained,
That emotions were to be hidden and disguised,
And that vulnerability was something to despise.

And so he wept, with a smile on his face,
A chilling reminder of his inner disgrace,
A man broken by the rules of society,
Forever lost in his melancholy.