
Therapist: Do you blame yourself?
Patient: What?
Therapist: Well it’s quite common in this situation for a patient to feel a kind of guilt…
Patient: What situation?
Therapist: The accident! It’s very common for people to invent blame or create a causality when in reality… It was completely out of your control.
Patient: I don’t know. I mean, logically I know it wasn’t my fault, but I just can’t shake this feeling that I could have done something to prevent it.
Therapist: It’s understandable to feel that way, but remember that you’re only human and there are limits to what you can control. It’s important to focus on what you can do moving forward, rather than dwelling on the past. Have you considered talking to someone else who may have experienced something similar? It can be helpful to connect with others who can empathize and provide support.
Therapist: How are you feeling right now? Is there anything in particular that’s causing you to feel anxious or scared?
Patient: (Looking around nervously) I don’t know, I just feel like something is not right. Like there’s something or someone watching me.
Therapist: I understand. It’s not uncommon to feel uneasy when we’re discussing difficult or uncomfortable topics. But remember, you’re safe here. You can take your time and we can go at your own pace.
Patient: (Trembling) I know, I know. It’s just that… I can sense something nearby. It’s like there’s this darkness that’s closing in on me.
Therapist: (Noticing the patient’s distress) Let’s take a moment to pause and breathe. Remember to focus on your breath and try to ground yourself in the present moment. You can count to five as you inhale, hold for a few seconds, then exhale slowly.
Patient: (Taking a few deep breaths) Okay, I’ll try.
Therapist: (After a few moments of silence) How are you feeling now? Are you still sensing something nearby?
Patient: (Shaking their head) I don’t know. I still feel uneasy, like something is watching me. But maybe it’s just my imagination.
Therapist: It’s possible that your mind is playing tricks on you, especially if you’re feeling particularly vulnerable or stressed. However, if you continue to feel unsafe or threatened, it’s important that we talk about it and find ways to address those feelings. Remember that you don’t have to face these challenges alone. We can work together to find ways to cope and heal.
Therapist: Thank you for opening up and sharing with me. It takes a lot of courage to talk about difficult experiences and feelings. Is there anything else that you would like to share or discuss?
Patient: (Looking around nervously) There is something else… but I don’t know if I should say it.
Therapist: It’s okay. You don’t have to share anything that you’re not comfortable with. We can take things at your own pace.
Patient: (Taking a deep breath) Okay… there’s this creature that’s been following me. I don’t know what it is, but it’s always there, lurking in the shadows.
Psychutal: (Appearing suddenly) Ah, I see you’ve finally noticed my presence. How quaint.
Patient: (Screaming) What the hell is that?
Psychutal: (Smirking) I am a Psychutal, dear human. And you, my friend, have been a delicious source of despair and negative energy. Your fear and anxiety have been such a delightful feast for me.
Therapist: (Standing up and facing the Psychutal) Who are you? What do you want?
Psychutal: (Chuckling) I want nothing but to consume the negative emotions and thoughts of your patient here. And I must say, they have been quite the delectable meal. You humans are so fascinatingly fragile, so easily broken.
Therapist: (Trying to stay calm) How can we help the patient break free from your influence?
Psychutal: (Mockingly) Help? Oh, dear, there is no helping this one. We have complete control now, completely consumed by our power. And soon, you too shall succumb to our influence. It’s only a matter of time.
Patient: (Whimpering) What do I do? How do I get rid of it?
Therapist: (Holding the patient’s hand) We will find a way, together. We will not let this creature control you or anyone else. You are not alone, and we will work to find ways to help you heal and overcome this challenge.
Therapist: (Speaking calmly to the patient) Stay with me, don’t lose focus. (Secretly presses a button under the desk)
Suddenly, the doors burst open and a team of security guards rush in, armed with weapons designed to ward off supernatural entities. The Psychutal hisses and screeches, lashing out at the guards with its dark powers, but the guards are well-trained and well-prepared, holding their ground and fighting back with all their might. The therapist stands back, watching in awe and horror as the battle unfolds. They had not expected it to come to this, but they knew that they had to protect their patient at all costs.
In the end, the guards emerge victorious, the Psychutal vanishing in a cloud of smoke and ash. But the victory is bittersweet, for the therapist had been struck down in the melee, succumbing to the wounds inflicted by the demon. As the patient looks on in shock and horror, the security guards rush to the therapist’s side, trying desperately to save their life. But it is too late, and the therapist takes their last breath, leaving behind a legacy of compassion, courage, and sacrifice.
The patient is left to mourn their loss, but they also know that the therapist had given their lives to protect them from the dark forces that threatened their very soul. And at that moment, they realize that they too have the power to fight back, to stand up against the demons that seek to destroy us all. The patient watches in horror as the Psychutal returns, seemingly more powerful than before. It attacks the security guards with renewed fury, unleashing a wave of dark energy that wipes them all out in a single blast. The patient is the only one left standing, and they know that they are in grave danger. The Psychutal turns to them, its eyes glowing with a sickly green light.
Psychutal: (Smiling wickedly) Ah, the final course. Did you really think you could get rid of us? We’re not like the rest of my race. Two minds were born into this one body. You have been a delightful snack, but I think I’ll keep you around a little longer. You’re just too much fun to let go.
The patient trembles with fear, knowing that they are no match for the demon.