Grateful for the Abyss

Created: April 5, 2023, 12:30

To the monster who tried to swallow me whole,
I’ll throw roses in, a gesture of my soul,
For though you tried to break me, I remain strong,
And in my heart, love will forever belong.

I refuse to let your darkness consume my light,
And though the struggle was hard, I won the fight,
For even in the depths of your sinister abyss,
I found a way to rise above, and I will not miss.

So thank you for the challenge, monster, dear,
For it’s through the hardships that we conquer fear,
And now, with roses in hand, I’ll say goodbye,
For your power over me has come to die.

May you find your own light in the darkness of night,
And may you learn to embrace love, not fright,
For though you tried to swallow me whole,
I am stronger now, and I’ll forever keep my soul.

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