Deceit in the Trenches

Created: November 19, 2017

I am not upset that you lied to me
For lies are the currency of our age
But what cuts me to the core
Is the realization that I can never trust you again

The world is now darker, colder
A place where truth is a luxury
And love a rare commodity

You were my light, my anchor
But now I am lost at sea
Adrift in a sea of doubt and uncertainty

The shadows have grown longer
And the night seems never-ending
For the trust that was once between us
Is now shattered, beyond mending

You have taken something precious from me
And in its place, left only pain
The wound may heal, but the scar remains

So go, and take your lies with you
For I can no longer bear the weight of your deceit
I will find my way in the darkness
And leave you behind, incomplete.

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