The Perpetual Battle Within: A Soul’s Demise

Poem request by Gabs

Within my mind, a war doth rage,
As shadows cast upon life’s stage.
My thoughts like demons, they doth fight,
A battle fierce, a gruesome sight.

The swords they clash, the blood doth spill,
As good and evil war with will.
The light, it flickers, as darkness reigns,
And pain and sorrow, it doth sustain.

The voices echo, like screams of pain,
As the battle rages, with no gain.
The conscience, like a beacon bright,
Doth struggle ‘gainst the demons of the night.

But in the depths, the darkness creeps,
And the soul, it weeps, and the spirit sleeps.
The voice of reason, it fades away,
As the shadows, they take hold and sway.

A struggle fought, but never won,
The battle doth rage, till life is done.
For in this war, there is no light,
And the soul, it doth suffer in endless night.

So let the battle rage, let the darkness reign,
For there is no hope, no end to this pain.
The mind, a battlefield, a soul’s demise,
As the war within, forever lies.

Conquering the Darkness Within

Created: April 5, 2023

Looking at their reflection,
Mixaku felt a sense of perfection.
“Some people are simply better than others,”
they thought, unaware of the lurking danger.

An evil reflection appeared,
smirking and wickedly sneered.
“And you think you’re one of them, motherfucker?”
Mixaku nodded, confident like a tiger.

“I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am,
and I’m not gonna let anyone take that away,”
defiantly, Mixaku proclaimed,
but the evil reflection laughed, cruel and gray.

“You’re not as invincible as you think,
Sooner or later, you’re gonna fall, and you’re gonna fall hard,”
the wicked reflection taunted,
causing anger to Mixaku’s guard.

Mixaku’s denial became shattered,
as the evil reflection spoke of what mattered.
“You’re fucking terrified of failure,
you’ll hurt others to avoid the torture.”

Realizing the truth,
Mixaku was stricken with ruth.
The evil reflection grinned maliciously,
“You’re a fucking monster, just like me.”

Defeated, Mixaku questioned,
“What do I do now?”
The evil reflection mocked,
“Embrace the darkness within you, it’s your vow.”

But Mixaku was determined to break free,
to face the darkness within with glee.
“I can change, I can be better,”
they declared, with a heart full of fervor.

A brick was thrown towards the reflection,
in hopes of shattering the evil deception.
But the reflection caught the brick mid-air,
taunting Mixaku with a wicked glare.

Both were transported to a different place,
a realm of darkness, filled with eerie space.
The evil reflection cackled, “Welcome to my world,
I’ve been waiting for you,” with a voice that swirled.

Mixaku took a deep breath and stepped forward,
ready to fight the darkness onward.
The mirror shattered, the darkness dissipated,
and Mixaku emerged victorious, unabated.

With newfound strength and confidence,
Mixaku knew they could conquer any consequence.
The evil reflection may always be a part,
but Mixaku was no longer afraid of the darkness in their heart.

Conquering the Bleak: A Journey of Love and Hope

Poem request from Jacob

Created: April 1, 2o23

In the depths of my soul, a shadow lingers
A weight that drags me down and triggers
The memories of love lost and pain endured
And though I try to fight, I am not reassured

My heart beats with a melancholic tune
A haunting melody that plays until noon
And in the stillness of the night, I weep
As I struggle to hold on to hope and keep

The flames of passion that once burned bright
Now flicker and fade, like stars in the night
But I know that deep down, there is a spark
A glimmer of light that can pierce the dark

So I take a deep breath and try to find
The courage to leave the past behind
And as I embrace the unknown and new
I feel my spirit lifted, my heart renewed

For even in the midst of pain and strife
There is always the chance to start a new life
And though the road may be long and steep
I know that with hope, I can conquer the bleak.

Stormcaller’s Regret

Created: April 5, 2023

The wolf does not pity the lamb,
And the storm begs no forgiveness from the damned.
Nature takes what it wants and needs,
Showing no remorse for those it heeds.

The predator hunts for its prey,
Showing no mercy, just its savage way.
The prey may beg and plead for life,
But the predator only sees it as a prize.

The storm rages on, fierce and wild,
Leaving nothing but destruction in its file.
It doesn’t care who it drowns or displaces,
For it is nature’s way, no apologies or embraces.

We see ourselves as higher beings,
But nature is the true queen and king.
We may have emotions, love and hate,
But nature only follows its instinctual state.

The wolf does not pity the lamb,
And the storm begs no forgiveness from the damned.
We may curse and scream at their ways,
But they just continue on, nature’s play.

Libertas Mea (My Freedom)

Poem request by Michelle

Created: April 5, 2023

I’ve been carrying this burden for too long,
Caring too much about what you think,
But now, something’s different,
A switch has been flipped,
I don’t know when it happened,
But I feel it inside me,
A newfound sense of liberation.

“I appear to have misplaced the fucks I give”,
Those words ring true,
I don’t have the energy anymore,
To worry about pleasing you.
My self-worth isn’t dependent on your approval,
I won’t sacrifice my authenticity,
Just to fit your narrow perception.

The weight is lifted,
And I feel free,
Free to be me,
Without the constraints of your expectations.
I won’t let you dim my light,
Or control my thoughts,
My identity is mine to own,
And I won’t let you take it away.

Grateful for the Abyss

Created: April 5, 2023, 12:30

To the monster who tried to swallow me whole,
I’ll throw roses in, a gesture of my soul,
For though you tried to break me, I remain strong,
And in my heart, love will forever belong.

I refuse to let your darkness consume my light,
And though the struggle was hard, I won the fight,
For even in the depths of your sinister abyss,
I found a way to rise above, and I will not miss.

So thank you for the challenge, monster, dear,
For it’s through the hardships that we conquer fear,
And now, with roses in hand, I’ll say goodbye,
For your power over me has come to die.

May you find your own light in the darkness of night,
And may you learn to embrace love, not fright,
For though you tried to swallow me whole,
I am stronger now, and I’ll forever keep my soul.

Deceit in the Trenches

Created: November 19, 2017

I am not upset that you lied to me
For lies are the currency of our age
But what cuts me to the core
Is the realization that I can never trust you again

The world is now darker, colder
A place where truth is a luxury
And love a rare commodity

You were my light, my anchor
But now I am lost at sea
Adrift in a sea of doubt and uncertainty

The shadows have grown longer
And the night seems never-ending
For the trust that was once between us
Is now shattered, beyond mending

You have taken something precious from me
And in its place, left only pain
The wound may heal, but the scar remains

So go, and take your lies with you
For I can no longer bear the weight of your deceit
I will find my way in the darkness
And leave you behind, incomplete.