Walk Beside Me

Created: April 4, 2023

Don’t walk in front of me, my friend,
For I may not follow you to the end,
Don’t walk behind me, for I may not lead,
And the path we take may be filled with greed.

Instead, walk beside me, through the strife,
As we navigate the hardships of life,
For in the darkness, we need each other’s light,
To guide us through the endless night.

Let us not compete, but let us collaborate,
For life is too short to harbor hate,
Let us not judge, but let us understand,
The complexities that make us who we are in this land.

For life is but a fleeting moment,
A chance to love and be truly present,
And in the end, when our journey is through,
All that will matter is the love that we knew.

So don’t walk in front of me or behind,
But walk beside me, with an open mind,
Together we’ll face the struggles that come,
And emerge victorious when all is said and done.

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