“Will the Clouds Ever Clear?” (Very Personal)

Created: March 29, 2023, 19:30

(Wanted to write about me again so here it is)

He walks through life with a weight on
his chest,
A constant reminder of the darkness
Depression clouds his every thought,
And steals the joy from even the 
simplest of things.

He's tried to fight it on his own,
But the battle is too much to bear.
so the robotic pills becomes his crutch,
And he hopes they will help him
But there's fear that lingers still,
A worry that he can't shake off.
That the clouds will never clear,
And he'll be forever lost in fog.

He wonders if he'll ever be the same,
If the drugs will change who he is.
Or if he'll always be a prisoner,
Trapped by his own minds twisted

But for now, he keeps on walking,
One step at a time, through the haze.
His paranoia makes him frantically
look around,
As if he's being watched by some
ominous gaze.

He feels like a prisoner in his own
Trapped in world of endless gray.
The cloudy pills may bring him some 
But they can't make the darkness go 

"So what he just keeps walking 
through fog and mist?"

Do you expect him jump?

"Yes I do. It's so  he doesn't have to 
"Live" anymore. Well in it"


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