Kielletyt Tunteet

Created: March 24, 2023

Forbidden feelings, hidden deep,
Buried secrets, that we keep,
Yearning hearts, that can't be free,
Trapped in a world, of what can't be.

The heart wants what it wants,
But the mind pulls, and taunts,
Society's rules, so hard to break,
Emotions hidden, for their own sake.

Passion that burns, like flame,
Forbidden love, such a shame,
Temptations that we cannot resist,
Forbidden feelings, we must dismiss.

But sometimes, the heart won't be
The forbidden feelings, cannot be
Though society may not understand,
The heart's desire, is not in its 

So let the feelings flow, like a river,
Let love be free, and let it quiver,
For in the end, we'll all be free,
To love who we want, and to be who 
we want to be.

Angel Assassins

Created: March 24, 2023, 20:07

The "Angel Assassins" a force to
Their powers remarkable, divine, and
Lighting crackles as they arrive on 
Silence follows, a calm and peaceful

Their faces expressionless, no
emotion shown
But a hint of disappointment in their
eyes, it's known
They take on the guise of distant kin
To remain unnoticed, and their
mission begin

Experts in combat, from hand-to-hand
To swords and daggers, they hold
Their gentle demeanor belies their
A force to be reckoned with, in the 
dark of night

The "Angel Assassins", a group of the
Lethal warriors, their victories
A silent army, on a mission divine
Their legacy, Forever shall shine.

Description of Dakalese, Lormere

Created: March 24, 2023

In Lormere's heart lies Dakalese,
A town that's calm, a town at ease,
An ancient oak, a welcoming square,
Where people gather without care.

Mariana Reeves, a mix of two,
Calls this place her home, so true,
A wooden house with carvings bright,
A garden filled with colors, light.

The festival comes, the town comes
A celebration that lasts five,
With music, dance, and food galore,
A time that's cherished, forevermore.

Dakalese, a town of life and love,
A place that's blessed by skies above,
Where everyone is family, it seems,
A place where Mariana dreams.