Persegui la grandezza

When doubts assail and fears creep in,
And giving up seems like the win,
Remember this, my dear friend,
Greatness comes to those who don’t bend.

The road ahead may seem so long,
The journey tough, the way unclear,
But every step you take will prove,
That you are worthy, strong and true.

For every obstacle you face,
And every challenge in your space,
There is a lesson to be learned,
And every trial, a chance to earn.

The path to greatness is not smooth,
But with each stride, you’ll gain a groove,
And every setback, though it stings,
Will teach you how to spread your wings.

So never give up on your dreams,
No matter how tough the going seems,
And when you reach the summit’s height,
You’ll see that greatness is in sight.

For you are meant for so much more,
Than what you see or have in store,
And every step you take will bring,
You closer to your destiny’s ring.

So keep on pushing, keep on trying,
And never stop until you’re flying,
For greatness is within your reach,
And it’s the lesson that we teach.