
Created: March 23, 2023

Inspiration from the song “Cheating is a crime” by Takayan

With every note, a warning bell
of love betrayed, and trust that fell
A cautionary tale, a story old
Of hearts left empty, and love gone

The lyrics speak of passion's flame
That flickers bright, then fades in
Of secrets kept, and lies that bind
Of the loss of love, and peace of mind

For cheating is a malefaction, so they say
And yet we're tempted, to go astray
To see the thrill, and rush of sin
Ignoring the hurt, we'll soon begin

But the melody reminds us, in every line
That love is precious, and hard to find
That trust is scared, and easily lost
And cheating is a violation, at a heavy cost

So let us heed these words of truth
And guard our hearts, from the lure of
For love is pure, and meant to be
A bond unbroken, for eternity.

Whispers of Joy in a Forest Kingdom

Created: March 3, 2023

In a kingdom far away,
Where the sun sets at the end of day,
There lies a bridge across a stream,
Reflecting moonlight like a dream.

Through the forest, soft and green,
Where the trees whisper and beams gleam,
Joyful laughter fills the air,
As creatures big and small, frolic without a care.

The rustling leaves and chirping birds,
Add to the melody of joyous words,
As the bridge connects the paths we tread,
And the forest welcomes us with open arms ahead.

Here, in this place of wonder,
Our hearts feel light and free like thunder,
As we revel in the joy of life,
And cherish every moment, free from strife.

So let us dance and sing with glee,
And savor every moment, just you and me,
For in this kingdom, we have found,
A treasure trove of joy, forever unbound.