Laba Ka Vuni: Murder Mystery

Created: March 19, 2023, 2:51 am

Amidst the forest's deepest par,
Where trees are lofty and creatures dart,
A heinous deed has left a stain,
Leaving hints as to who's to blame.

The land is red, the scent of death,
Lingers like dew with every breath.
The birds sing with unease above,
As leaves whisper secrets of shove.

Whispers of a sinister act,
Are carried by the wind as animals react.
Footprints lead into the night,
a mute observer of the terrible sight.

Investigators seek to know,
Who committed this gruesome blow.
The forest guards its secrets well,
As they search for what only time will tell.

So they follow the signs left by fate,
To solve the puzzle, before it's too late.
For justice must be served, the truth revealed,
Or the forest's wounds may never be healed.

Broken Heart in the Tower

In a tower, tall and grand,
A girl once lived, her heart unmanned.
Her love had left her, far behind,
And she was left, alone to find.

The days were long, the nights were cold,
Her heart was shattered, her spirit sold.
She dreamed of love, she dreamed of life,
But in this tower, she was held in strife.

She looked out of the window, at the stars above,
Wondering if her heart would ever be loved.
She wished for freedom, to spread her wings,
To feel the breeze, and hear the birds sing.

But alas, she was stuck, in this tower of pain,
Her heart was broken, her tears fell like rain.
She prayed for strength, to carry on,
And to find her heart, which had long gone.

The days turned into months, the months into years,
Her heart still ached, with unending tears.
She longed for love, for someone to hold,
To heal her heart, and make her whole.

But fate had other plans, for this poor girl,
Her heart was shattered, her life in a whirl.
And though she tried, to mend her heart,
She remained broken, forever apart.

So now she sits, in her tower of pain,
Her heart still aching, with unending strain.
She looks out of the window, at the stars above,
Wondering if she’ll ever find, her true love.