Realizzazione del falso amore

Created: March 10, 2023, 3:31 am

Realization comes with dawn's light,
Love once cherished, now feels untrue,
False love fades, truth shines bright.

Memories of kept me tight,
But in my heart, doubts grew and grew,
Realization comes with dawn's light.

I mistook your words as a knight,
A savior who would rescue,
False love fades, ruth shines bright.

Your promises, now out of sight,
My heart broke as I withdrew,
Realization comes with dawn's light.

Love's bloom now lost in its sight,
Like peals falling, turning blue,
False love fades, ruth shines bright.

I've let go, no more fights,
Now on a path that's new,
Realization comes with dawn's light,
False love fades, truth shines bright.

Vigilized Mind

Created: October 10, 2022

I don't need your care, I said, 
It's not that you don't give 
It's just that nobody truly cares 
For the real me who lives.
Love is not what I require 
It's not that you don't try 
But nobody truly loves 
The person I keep inside.

The real me is a mystery 
No one knows my true face 
I keep it hidden, locked away 
In an invisible, secluded space.

I yearn to end this life of mine 
But I keep going, day by day 
I move around, in touch with your 
And never cause your web to fray.

I play your muse, in tune with your 
And never wander off-track 
But I only exist in my own mind 
And enjoy what it has to offer back.

In a world of facades and deceit 
I am lost, unable to hide 
The pain that I carry within 
And the emptiness I can't abide.

But I keep on, hoping somehow 
That things will get better, one day 
And that someone will come along 
Who sees the real me, and will stay.

To care and love the one inside 
That I have kept hidden and sealed 
And maybe, just maybe, 
My true self will finally be revealed.

Unspoken Love

Created: November 19, 2021

Context: A webcomic I read. (I forgot the name)

Silent love, a feeling so true,
He keeps it hidden, not wanting to pursue it.
For fear of ruining what they have,
He keeps his heart in check, never to grab.

He treasures their friendship, it means so much,
And he doesn’t want to lose her with one single touch.
So he keeps his feelings buried deep inside,
Hoping that his heart will eventually subside.

But every time he sees her smile,
His heart races, it’s been like this for a while.
He wants to tell her, to let his love be known,
But the fear of losing her keeps him alone.

So he silently loves her from afar,
A love so pure, a love that will never scar.
He watches her laugh, he watches her shine,
Content with his love that he keeps in line.

Silent love, a love that’s true,
A love that he keeps hidden, known only to a few.
But in his heart, she will always be,
The one that he loves, the one that sets him free.

Lust (Revamp)

Created: Mar. 30, 2020

Modification: Feb 23, 2023, 17:32

Last modification: Mar. 2, 2023


Lust, a creature that resembles a beast,
Its darkness may consume, a dreaded feast.
But this urge needn’t always be an enemy,
It can be controlled and made to shine brilliantly.

When its flames are harnessed with care,
Passions and desires may ignite and flare.
Lust can be a captivating and lovely thing,
Between two hearts that beat and sing.

It can yield intimacy, binding two souls,
In a bond that remains steadfast and whole.
But beware, we must proceed with caution,
Lust can lead to ruin and create a snare of temptation.

Don’t be scared of the beast within,
Learn to tame it and allow it to win.
Lust is a potent force when used with grace,
So let it not consume, but spark a flame with a warm embrace.

Ultimately, it’s up to us to control the blaze,
And avoid being lost in its alluring maze.
Embrace lust with love and hold it with care,
And let it take us soaring up into the celestial air.

What if: A Ghost Presence

Created: March 3, 2023

What ifs, they haunt us still,
A ghostly presence, a bitter pill,
We ponder and we muse and sigh,
As we contemplate the days gone by.

What if we'd done things differently?
What if we'd been more brave, or free?
Could we have reached our dreams
and goals,
Or found a love o warm our souls?

But what ifs only lead to pain,
A life half-lived, a constant strain, 
For we can't turn back the hands of 
Or rewrite the script of our life's

We must accept what is and was,
Embrace our past and all its flaws,
For every choice and every fate,
Is but a step in our life's great debate.

So let us bid the what ifs adieu,
And focus on present, true, 
For life is short, and time flies fast,
And the present moment may not last.

So seize the day, and take the chance,
For life is but a fleeting dance, 
And in the end, we'll find our peace,
Knowing we lived with all our heart,
and release.

Loathing Who You Are

Created: February 3, 2022

I asked you why you loathe who you are
And you poured out your heart, oh so raw
For years you felt like a burden, a flaw
And put others in positions of shame and awe

You wanted to be a good person, you said
But felt like you were walking on eggshells instead
You went on autopilot to make friends, instead
But it left you feeling empty and filled with dread

I listened as you spoke of trauma and pain
Of feeling chained to a line that kept changing again
Of being held back and treated like a stain
And struggling to trust others without restraint

But I offered you a helping hand
To work through your feelings and help you understand
Together we can heal and build new strands
Of healthier relationships that you can command

So let us continue this conversation, my friend
And journey together to a brighter, happier end
For you deserve to love who you are, without pretend
And embrace the beauty and worth that lies within.