False Love? Part 3

(Aster responding to Mariana↓)

That’s fucking cute you know.

I see you’re hurt and feeling low,
But there’s something that you should know,
You’re not the damn victim you brainwashed yourself to be,
You’re just too blind to see.

You’ve spun a tale of hurt and pain
and placed the blame on me again,
But in reality,
it’s you who’s at fault,
For not understanding what I’ve taught.

I’ve given you love and honesty,
But you’ve twisted into something ugly,
You accuse me of lies and deceit,
When all I’ve done is try to keep us on our feet.

You cry your tears and claim your hearts broken,
But it’s all just a game that you’ve spoken,
To make me feel guilty for things I didn’t do,
And to manipulate the truth for the sake of you.

so go ahead and wallow in your sorrows,
But remember…
you’re the one who borrowed,
The love and trust that I’ve given for free,
And used it to create your own reality.