Lormere’s finest Mariana

Created: in class @ 16:09 March 31, 2023

In a land of magic, where vampires roam,
And elves dance among the trees,
There lived a young girl, mixed and rare,
Whose eyes were gold as the sun.

Mariana was her name, with talents abound,
She sang she baked, she read,
Pies and ice cream, her sweet tooth knew,
Her creations were a sight to behold.

But beware, for she could manipulate,
Not just light and ice, but emotions too,
Her enhanced speed and vision, a force to reckon,
With a bow and sword, she was a warrior in bloom.

Aster Redwood was her love, they shared the love,
For adventure and magic, to discover new worlds,
But without friends, Mariana stood alone,
Her bond with her parents, the only stronghold.

She abhorred deceit and being used,
The hot summer season, a time to lose,
For Mariana was unique, a Velf or Elmpire,
Whose mixed heritage brought forth a range of desires.

With a kind and gentle spirit, and a heart full of love,
Mariana Reeves was a joy to be around,
A rare and precious gem, in a world full of wonders,
Her light shone bright, as she journeyed on.

Siren’s Song: Batsheva’s Tale

Created: March 31, 2023, 3:03 pm


Batsheva, the siren of IceHollow,
With eyes as sweet as a ripe peach,
Practices water manipulation with skill,
And swims through the waves of the beach.

She smokes and mixes drinks with delight,
Creating concoctions both complex and plain,
Though certain juices she can’t abide,
They simply bring her disdain.

Her husband, Helios Umetris, by her side,
With a brother named Ishnol Xalu,
Her parents are Beatrice and Zayden Xalu,
Who raised her to be strong and true.

Batsheva’s abilities are vast and rare,
Her lung capacity enhanced, her endurance strong,
She can manipulate water with a flick of her wrist,
And her singing voice can seduce and prolong.

Shapeshifting and healing powers she has,
And her strength and coordination are unmatched,
All of these feats combine to make her,
A force to be reckoned with, hard to dispatch.

So, beware of Batsheva, the siren of IceHollow,
For her powers can enchant and bewitch,
But with her by your side, you’ll surely be safe,
And her love will make your heart skip a hitch.

I am a siren, a creature of the sea, my voice like a melody that can both soothe and ensnare. But my power lies not only in my song but also in my ability to shape and manipulate water, a force to be reckoned with in both calm and stormy seas.

The Chilling Fog of Aster Redwood

Created: February  26, 2023, 14:30

Aster Redwood, with eyes like peach and purple skies,
A wolf among her kind, stands out, a rare surprise,
With her brother by her side, they practice magic with ease,
But when not, she loves to read, sing, and cook with peace.

Aster’s senses are heightened, the danger she can detect,
Her chilling fog ability, a temperature effect,
Emotions she can read, understanding all around,
Aster’s awareness of feelings truly astounds her.

Her girlfriend Mariana, a Velf with grace,
Aster’s love and devotion, etched on her face,
While she loves to drink, sirens she cannot stand,
They’re singing a jarring noise, in Aster’s homeland.

Her mother Kifo Yasujiro, her father unknown,
Aster’s origin in the Kingdom of Cloudy Lavaossa is shown,
A unique wolf with gifts, and a love for her kin,
Aster Redwood, is a marvel, one of a kind, within.

Sometimes, the only way to find clarity is to let the chilling fog roll in and wash away the distractions.

The Psychutal: A Soul of Two Minds

Created: Feb. 18, 2023, 19:34 pm

In the Forest of Vekalu, where the shadows reign,
A Psychutal was born, two minds in one frame,
Lilith and Destuca, a duality of thought,
A rare and powerful race, with empathy sought.

Their single body housed two distinct souls,
One with empathy, the other with goals,
Lilith understood the pain of others,
While Destuca sought to cause more trouble.

Their eyes were strange, with white irises so bright,
Blue pupils that shone like a starry night,
And red sclera with white cracks like ice,
An unusual sight, that left many in surprise.

Despite their appearance, they served with care,
Helping those in need, their abilities rare,
Able to enter the minds of their prey,
Evilly manipulating their thoughts.

Their hobby was their work, their passion clear,
Helping others drown in their fear,
A rare gift, they embraced with pride,
Two souls, in one body, an extraordinary ride.

The Psychutal, a soul of two minds,
A race so rare, a gift so kind,
Lilith and Destuca, an unusual pair,
Whose empathy and goals, made them quite rare.

Do you think what we’re doing is wrong? Those people are suffering. We helped them end it by pushing them further. We love our victims very much and do what we can to help love.

"We may share a body, but we each have our own mind, our own soul. 
Together, we are a force to be reckoned with, a dual consciousness unlike any other. 
We are Lilith and Destuca, two sides of the same coin, and we embrace our uniqueness to help those in need"

Mestailfy Ikeme: The Caribou Prince

Created: January 12, 2023, 15:45 pm


Mestailfy Ikeme, a prince so Young,
With piercing eyes and melancholy hung,
In Yonforge Kingdom, he grew up stong,
Yet struggled with demons that felt so wrong.

His love for poetry was a burning flame,
A passion for the outdoors, a longing to reclaim,
But the pressure of his role weighed him down,
As anxiety and depression wore a frown.

Lilith and Destuca, his constant stalkers,
Whispered cruel things, Like wicked talkers,
But Mestailfy kept all to himself,
Afraid of the consequences if he asked for help.

With Ganku and Cara, his siblings dear,
And parents Vental and Resha, always near,
He found solace in their love and support,
A beacon of hope that he'd never abort.

His poems, like a ray of light,
Shone bright amidst the darkness night,
And though he battled with his fears,
He remained kind, despite the tears.

Mestailfy Ikeme, a prince of heart,
Refused to let his demons tear him apart,
For he knew that love would always win,
A shining star that would never dim.


I used to think my mind was my fortress, impenetrable and secure.
But then came Lilith and Destuca, two minds in one body,
and they shattered my defenses with ease.




Anchored in Love: A Prince’s Journey Through Despair

Created: March 31, 2023, 11:45 am

I know it mad early in the morning but hush. The therapy session was mad boring. today so I wrote.


In the depths of a heart so bleak,
Lies a sadness that we cannot speak.
A heavy weight that drags him down,
Like a shipwrecked sailor, he will drown.

He's lost in a storm that won't abate,
His mind a labyrinth, a twisted state.
His thoughts like tangled vines that choke,
A haunted house with doors unopened.

We try to reach him, to break the spell,
But he's locked inside his personal hell.
Like a flower in winter, his heart is frozen,
A prisoner of his own emotions.

We watch him fade, a shadow of himself,
Like a painting on an old bookshelf.
But we hold on, we won't let him go,
We'll be his anchor in the ebb and flow.

We'll wrap him in love, like a warm embrace,
And light a fire in this cold, dark place.
We'll be his compass, his guiding star,
And wall ith him, wherever he goes, near or far.

For we know that with time, the sun will rise,
And the darkness will fade, like a butterfly's disguise.
And he'll spread his wings and soar above,
Like a phoenix, reborn in the light of love.

“Will the Clouds Ever Clear?” (Very Personal)

Created: March 29, 2023, 19:30

(Wanted to write about me again so here it is)

He walks through life with a weight on
his chest,
A constant reminder of the darkness
Depression clouds his every thought,
And steals the joy from even the 
simplest of things.

He's tried to fight it on his own,
But the battle is too much to bear.
so the robotic pills becomes his crutch,
And he hopes they will help him
But there's fear that lingers still,
A worry that he can't shake off.
That the clouds will never clear,
And he'll be forever lost in fog.

He wonders if he'll ever be the same,
If the drugs will change who he is.
Or if he'll always be a prisoner,
Trapped by his own minds twisted

But for now, he keeps on walking,
One step at a time, through the haze.
His paranoia makes him frantically
look around,
As if he's being watched by some
ominous gaze.

He feels like a prisoner in his own
Trapped in world of endless gray.
The cloudy pills may bring him some 
But they can't make the darkness go 

"So what he just keeps walking 
through fog and mist?"

Do you expect him jump?

"Yes I do. It's so  he doesn't have to 
"Live" anymore. Well in it"



Created: March 29, 2023 2:06
Poem Request by Biannca
"You might say we are staying 
together for the sake of evil,"
Yuri spoke softly, his eyes searching
for understanding.
Sapphire's response was quick and
"I won't let your darkness consume
me, no matter how tempting."

Ishnol and Feila exchanged a knowing
Their voices melding together in
"Our motives are not so simple as good or evil,
But survival in a world where trust is

Sapphire scoffed at their words, her
distrust unwavering,
"Your alliance are fickle and your
loyalties untrue."
But Ishnol and Feila stood firm, their
conviction unshaken,
"We'll do what we must to make it

Yuri looked on, caught in the middle,
As the four of them stood at a
crossroads in time.
He knew that their choices would 
shape their future,
And the consequences could be both
harsh and unkind.

Dimitte sensus tuos (Unhand thy feelings)

Created: March 29, 2023 0:03 - 1:48
Poem request by Persavol 

What useless feelings fill my heart
When I think of days long gone,
Of chances missed and dreams apart,
And all the paths I should have gone.

What embarrassing words I've said
That still echo in my mind,
Oh how I wish I could have fled
And left them all behind.

What useless feelings I possess
When envy creeps into my soul,
And I compare my own success
To others' who've reached their goal.

What embarrassing words I've spoken
In moments of fear and doubt,
And left my heart shattered and
Wondering what life's all about.

But let me not dwell on the past,
Nor be consumed by regret,
For I know that life moves fast,
And new chances I can get.

So I'll let go of useless feelings,
And the words that make me cringe,
And focus on life's new dealings,
With hope and a steady binge.

La Missione Divertimento: il Giullare Che Fa Ridere(The Fun Mission: The Jester Who Makes You Laugh)

Created: March 14, 2023

He's a jester, a comedian, a clown,
A master of laughter, spreading joy all
He tells jokes and puns with a twinkle
in his eye,
For he believes that he was put on
earth to make us all smile.

He loves to see people happy, to hear
their hearty laugh,
To watch as their worries and
sorrows melt like wax.
With every punchline, he unleashes a
wave of glee,
And in that moment, we forget our
problems and feel carefree.

But he's not just a funny man, for her
knows when to be serious,
When to offer comfort and solace, to
be kind and generous.
He's a friend and a confidant, a
shoulder to lean on,
Someone who will be there for us,
even when the laughter is gone.

For he understands that life is not
always a joke,
That sometimes we must face
hardships, sorrow and woe.
But he knows that laughter is a balm
for the soul,
and that with a little humor, we can
weather any storm.

So here's to the jester, the comedian,
the clown,
Who brings us laughter and joy when
we're feeling down.
May he keep us chuckling and
grinning for many years to come,
For he truly was put on earth to make
us all feel welcome.