Mimi ni Kosa

Created: Nov 26, 2022

Last modified: Nov 26, 2022, 01:58

I have something to tell you that I haven't been able to do in a long time.
I'm sorry for being myself.
Even though I knew it would hurt you, I'm sorry for doing things that make you want to cry.
Someday I'd like to forgive myself, but right now I just want to die. 

Painfully, I simply sat through, ready on my own,
For a few reasons to expose myself, each time it failed, I had nothing.
To make it acceptable, forgivable,
Though you choose to ignore it, the fact that I harm you through my methods, 
I am aware of what I am doing and continue to do so, 

Everything is my fault, I see my mistakes,
I'm surprised you haven't left me yet, 
I'm a terrible friend, I believe that, And I do nothing to change the reality, 
Whatever happens, I'm to blame, Because I don't have a reason, 
I'm sorry for ignoring the responsibilities
I had, I'm sorry for everything I failed to do,
I feel terrible for the nights I wasn't there, You were left to cry by yourself,
I wasn't there to help…