Ihre Verkrüppelte Maske (Your Crippled Mask) Revamped

created: Feb 20, 2019

Last modified: Jul 18, 2019, 13:37

Who is she?
You think I know…
Behind her mask of a
smile is a desperate heart.
hiding tears flowing, slamming
against the walls of her damaged soul
like the rising waterscapes on a stormy day.
You think you see her for who she is,
but she’ll only allow you to see who she wishes was her.

You think you know her story,
the demons that she fights each day,
the scars she bears,
the pain she endures,
and the battles she’s won along the way.

But there’s a side of her that she keeps
a vulnerability that she’s afraid to reveal,
a fear that her wounds will never fully heal.

She’s learned to wear a mask,
to hide her true emotions and thoughts,
to keep the world at arm’s length,
to guard her heart against being caught.

So you may never truly, know her,
the depths of her soul and her being,
but if you take the time to listen,
you might hear the songs her heart is singing.

She’s a warrior,
                           a survivor,
a force to be reckoned with each day,
a fighter who refuses to give up,
no matter what life may throw her way.

So don’t be quick o judge or assume,
or to think you have her all figured out,
for behind that smile and those eyes

She’s a master of disguise,
Crafting facades to protect herself from
prying eyes.

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