You And Me

Created: March 14, 2019,
Last modified: Jul. 20, 2019, 12:15

load my gun.
Fill up the chamber.
and let the lies fly.
from your lips,
ricochet and lodge
past the scarce armor
of my ribcage
into this glass heart of mine
let my insecurities bleed out.
don’t staunch the flow.

pierce my skin!
with the shards of my heart
end me and your misery,
squeeze the trigger!
with practiced ease
breathe in,
breathe out.
breathe in… But remember we are one and the same playing a dangerous game.
two people walk in no one comes out.
Life must be taken without any doubt.

Last words

Created: Oct 13, 2019
Last Modified: Oct 13, 2019, 5:55

Take this blade, and take my life,
Take anything I have to give,
Take this knife, and take my soul,
Take anything I need to live.

Save me from this hellhole,
I don’t wanna live,
Spare me the pain,
I have no more to give.

No time to help me,
I’m already dead,
No need to worry,
Don’t try and save, don’t be in a hurry…

Somatosensory Amplification


Created: 23/ 2/ 14 1:40


Every twinge and ache,

a phantom of my mind,

an amplified sensation,

not so easy to unwind.


The slightest pain or pang,

feels like a thousand knives,

a sharpened sensitivity,

that rules my daily life.


My body’s alarm bells,

ring louder every day,

a symphony of sensations,

that won’t just fade away.


But in the midst of it all,

I’ll hold onto hope and light,

and strive to find some peace,

amidst this endless fight.


Even in this struggle,

I know that I’m not alone,

and with each new morning,

I’ll find the strength to go on.