My Intoxicating Life

Created: Aug 17, 2019
Last modified: Oct 21, 2019, 21:04

To this day I stopped trying to be ‘someone for somebody
who never thought of me as anyone appreciating or important to them.

Inside I know the space I had for them is now crushed and broken.

I’ve learned that sometimes emotions seem clearer than perception.
and eventually can lead to a heartbreaking revelation.
that someone cherished proves that their friendship was deception.

I mustn’t be sorry for the encouragement and love I shared.
because I know what I offered was itself a dare.
A dare to let someone be a part of me…who didn’t find a reason to care.

I play a dangerous game of letting them in
For them to turn and crack my heart with bullets of steal.

Thank you for being there and for giving me a chance.
You were a ‘lucky’ someone who successfully got a part of the best of me.

Now I’ll throw away the scattered and useless pieces of you.

and have you died in a pool of regret or shall I die because of my decisions?
As we both fall with a pool of precision.

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