Desolate Pathway of Truth & Deception

Created: March 24, 2019

Modified: Feb 21, 2023, 23:55

Stop it. Whatever it is that you do.
Makes me reconsider pulling myself away from you
I want to be gone,
cut off from your world,
but with each smile and laugh, my emotions are swirled.
I’d wave my scepter over you until you were dead I knew that was wrong but it felt so right.
I couldn’t live without you in pain.
Living life with so much strain.

I don’t hate you,
I don’t care for you,
I don’t love you,
I simply despise you and your very existence,
this is my chamber of hate and mystery,
once you go in there will be nothing but darkness knives they’ll use will be the sharpest.
I have friends from the other side and they will do nothing but abide by my calling, your screams will be calling for help,
but there is no help on the other side.
It’s almost funny that the person in that desolate chamber is no one else but me in a form of weakness and utter worthlessness,
biding its time waiting to be released.


The imprecise void of Dakalese

Created: 9/9/2020
Last modified: 9/9/2020
This world is a void and decreases like a zone of darkness gobbling up your psyche, your spirit, and your delicate eyes with no longing for light to spread out.
Have a go at leaving the rest, or better, leave everything up to your creative mind,
So you may not get worked up in this dillydallying tininess which is everlasting!
As you progress it ends up being even more clear, the image starts to plot comparative bits of a twisted riddle with disunity in every one of them.

Precisely when you close the entryway and enter again regardless you will never see what you discover, the picture genuinely has corrupted itself,
This spot is a question that holds no importance; Absolutely Undefined
A shadow can change its shape, recreate itself, and resize as well,
What you get might be what you see, in any case, is it truly what you get on the off chance that you can’t trust in your eyes through this ominous hopelessness

A maze, unhinged, plainly constant cast away in misleading images the individuals who endure without being blinded by their eyes,
Nonetheless, why gain ground, I will send you back to the beginning, unfilled and lessened with the target that the delight of inspecting this universe of progress never closes.

Win or forget about it, is the objective, in this jumbled strolling obscurity.
The devils in our mind murmur to us they advise us to surrender cause nobody will ever
See the agony we feel shrouded somewhere inside they reveal to us we are powerless for all the occasions we have cried.

Hacked Mind

Created: 23/ 1/ 31

Modified: 23/ 2/ 13


You’re nervous
A bit of a wreck
But you never fail to smile at yourself when you mess up
As you always do

You’re damaged
That much is clear
But your smooth laugh puts the whole room at ease
No matter how scarcely it surfaces
You’ve been hurt by everyone
Yourself included-
But you’d rather die
Then put someone down
Because you truly believe every achievement is worth all the stars in the sky

You’re quiet
Sometimes it’s a little annoying
But who can blame you
You mean no harm

You’re self-conscious.
I mean aren’t we all?
But you put everyone else back together.
so, they can’t resist loving themselves a little more.
Forgetting you were their light of restoration
No matter how much.
You try
You’ll only be a distant memory
You Stupid

Hate yourself!
And drown in your blood-shaven pages

Lilith y Destuca

Mestailfy Ikeme