
“Cry-Baby” is a musical film that was released in 1990. The movie was directed by John Waters, who is known for his quirky and subversive films, and stars Johnny Depp, Amy Locane, and Ricki Lake.

The story is set in Baltimore in the 1950s and follows the romance between Wade “Cry-Baby” Walker, a rebellious and charismatic teen from the wrong side of the tracks, and Allison Vernon-Williams, a prim and proper young woman from a wealthy family. The two come from very different worlds, but they are brought together by their love of rock and roll music and their shared outsider status.

The movie features several musical numbers, which are inspired by the music of the 1950s and showcase the talents of the cast. The film is known for its over-the-top characters, exaggerated performances, and playful send-up of the teen rebellion genre.

Despite its mixed critical reception upon release, “Cry-Baby” has since become a cult classic and is beloved by fans of John Waters and the musical genre. The movie is also notable for its depiction of Baltimore and its surrounding areas, which are showcased in several scenes throughout the film.

Overall, “Cry-Baby” is a fun and entertaining musical that celebrates the spirit of rebellion and individuality and has become a cherished part of Baltimore’s cultural history.