“12 O’clock Boys” is a documentary film that was released in 2013. The movie was directed by Lotfy Nathan and explores the subculture of dirt bike riders in Baltimore, Maryland.
The film focuses on a group of young men who participate in illegal dirt bike riding on the streets of Baltimore. The riders, who call themselves the “12 O’clock Boys,” perform dangerous stunts and evade the police as they ride through the city.
Through interviews with members of the group and footage of their rides, the film explores the motivations and aspirations of the 12 O’clock Boys, as well as the risks and consequences of their actions. The movie also examines the broader social and economic issues facing Baltimore, including poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunities.
The film received critical acclaim for its intimate and honest portrayal of the 12 O’clock Boys and their world. It has been praised for its stunning cinematography and its ability to capture the energy and excitement of the dirt bike subculture.
“12 O’clock Boys” is a unique and insightful look at a little-known subculture in Baltimore and has become an important part of the city’s cultural history. The film has also sparked important conversations about urban poverty, youth culture, and the role of law enforcement in marginalized communities.