Pop music is so diverse and full of different styles and sounds. Since pop music is constantly evolving, artists and producers are left looking for new ways to be unique, catchy, and appealing. There are so many niche audiences, this leads to the blending of different sounds and experimenting with elements from other genres. This has made thousands of different subgenres for listeners looking for a specific sound. 

Teen pop  

Teen pop music is marketed towards teenagers, hence the name. It’s commercial pop music that has lyrics relatable to teens, topics such as growing up, partying, feeling alone, young love, etc. Artists who make teen pop music are inspirational and appealing to their fans. Conceived in the 1990s, teen pop has involved elements of fashion, choreographed dances, hairstyles, and language that influences adolescents. It includes repeated chorus lines, mainstream appeal, and catchy harmonies.  Click this link to see some examples of teen pop –> https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3COEFyCEecGm4BzhhgfYVY?si=N_jpFo1lRTm7HZpXWnE9tg&pi=u-rC3LDFPtQ8eJ

Dance pop 

Dance pop originated in the late 1970s. It is highly eclectic, upbeat music that is played in nightclubs. Dance pop songs have simple structures and catchy melodies. Dance pop takes inspiration from disco but is more free form.

Art Pop 

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Art pop prioritizes artistic expression while transforming regular pop music into a thought-provoking art piece. Art pop incorporates visual presentation to make the song a complete multimedia experience. This can include elaborate props, costumes, creative music videos, and innovative performances. Art pop pushes boundaries of pop music and challenges artists to express themselves. Art pop can also comment on political and social issues through its lyrics and visuals.  


Indie Pop 

Indie pop has a range of sounds and instrumentals while still including mainstream elements. Its melodies are soft and sweet. The lyrics are clear, and the artists usually focus more on creative expression rather than chart-toppers. Emerging in the late 1970s, indie pop takes inspiration from catchy 60s pop music.  

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