Graduation is a bittersweet moment in nursing school. It is sweet because all of your hard work and countless hours of studying, practicing skills, and completing clinical hours is finally over. However, it is also bitter because you are now required to pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) to become a registered nurse. Most nursing students shudder at the mere mention of the NCLEX. For two years, the importance of this test is stressed to us, and all the exams that we take are designed to mimic the NCLEX. There are many study resources that students can utilize to prepare for the test, for a fee of course. The two resources that worked for me were UWorld and Mark Klimek lectures. Coupled together, I felt like these resources prepared me to pass the NCLEX on my first attempt.
Upon passing the NCLEX, the only hurdle left to overcome is finding a job. Luckily, new-graduate nurses are highly sought after in Maryland. It is important not to wait until graduation to begin looking for a job. New nurses who drag their feet may have their dream position filled by another new-graduate nurse. Once you overcome this hurdle, feel proud of yourself for your accomplishments, and don’t be scared to wear this pride on your scrub sleeve every day that you enter the hospital. You earned it!