
  1. Versatile Smokes: Brimstone’s signature ability, “Sky Smoke,” allows him to deploy smokes across long distances, providing his team with precise control over sightlines. These smokes can be crucial for executing strategies, blocking enemy vision, and facilitating safe movement.
  2. Area Denial: Brimstone’s Incendiary ability can be used for area denial. It creates a damaging field of fire that can force opponents to reposition, delay pushes, or control specific choke points on the map.
  3. Stim Beacon: Brimstone’s Stim Beacon is a unique utility that boosts the fire rate of all players within its radius. This can be especially useful for aggressive plays, pushing sites, or holding off enemy pushes.
  4. Orbital Strike (Ultimate): Brimstone’s ultimate ability, Orbital Strike, is a powerful area-of-effect ability that can clear out enemy positions and deny them access to certain areas. It can be a game-changer in both attacking and defending scenarios.
  5. Global Presence: Brimstone’s abilities have a global reach, allowing him to support his team from a distance. This makes him effective for providing utility across the map without being physically present in a specific location.