
Floor is a fan favorite event because the audience can get involved with the gymnasts’ dance and tumbling. Floor requires 2 to 3 tumbling passes, a leap/jump, and a turn.

Floor is judged based on the height of your pass, your form (straight legs and arms), your landing (if its controlled or uncontrolled), expressiveness of your dance, and more. One controlled step forward out of your tumbling pass has no deduction, but anything else (another step or a hop) is a 0.1 deduction.

I made America’s top 100 floor routines twice in 2013, once in 2017, and twice again in 2021. In 2013, I got a perfect 10.0 score on my routine.

 The first video shows a double turn and the three passes in my floor routine which scored a 9.975 out of 10. The following two videos are of me training two of my floor passes.

To view the videos, click on the title of the video below the black screen. A link should show up on the screen. Click the link and it should open the video in your website tab. To go back afterward, click the go back button on your web browser.
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