
The uneven bars, usually called bars for short, is my best event. On bars, you get scored based on hit handstands (meaning the handstands are in a perfect straight line, up and down), body form (straight legs and arms), landing (steps, hopping, or stuck landing), and more.

Last year I scored a 9.9 out of 10.0 which can seen in the first video attached below. I’ve also been in America’s top 100 bar scores in 2012, 2013, 2017, 2020, and 2021 and I earned the titles of Bar State champion in 2019 and 2021 and Bar Regional champion in 2018.

The following two videos are from training over the years. The “double front half out” is what we call a dismount and the “jaeger connected to overshoot” shows 2 versions of what we call a release. A release is when you let go of the bar and catch it again. In college, you need two releases: one where you release and catch the same bar and another that releases and catches a different bar.

The handstand on the left has no deduction because my  body form is good, meaning my legs are straight and together and I am perfectly up and down. The handstand on the right, however, gets a deduction even though my body form is still good because it’s not perfectly vertical, we call this being “short.”

To view the videos, click on the title of the video below the black screen. A link should show up on the screen. Click the link and it should open the video in your website tab. To go back afterward, click the go back button on your web browser.
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