Competitive Brawhalla consists of 7 ranks: Tin, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and valhallan. In order to climb your way up to the top, you first have to be placed based off of 10 placement matches at the start of your ranked season. Depending on how you do, you can place somewhere in gold, for instance, or you may have some homework to do. Each match you win, you gain “elo,” which determines your skill level, and you will always play against players with similar elo as you. Here are the elo numbers for each rank:
- Tin: 200-909
- Bronze: 910-1129
- Silver: 1130-1389
- Gold: 1390-1679
- Platinum: 1680-1999
- Diamond: 2000+
- Valhallan: Place top in the region, win 100+ ranked matches, and be in diamond.
For more information on ranked gameplay, visit here.