This excursion was in Jamaica. The first time I ever traveled out of the country was in 2012 in Jamaica and I went with some of my family members. One of the excursions we did was called The World’s Famous Dunn’s River Falls. It’s a huge waterfall that everyone holds hands to climb to the top. We hold hands because the rocks can be slippery and it’s just safer to be connected to people. When I went in 2012 we didn’t take a lot of pictures, but we had an amazing time. Later me and my mom went back to Jamacia in 2018 and wanted to experience the waterfall again. When we went back, and it was the same as we remember it. It was so much fun however, definitely similar to a workout because you do a lot of climbing. I’m glad I got to experience this again at an older age because I feel like I appreciate it more and I’m not as scared as I was back then. All of the excursions I have done with my mom have made me more confident and less afraid of trying new things. These excursions are very important to me because they are great memories to look back on. All these excursions are so wonderful that I could never forget them. I would have to say that this excursion in 2012 changed me and my mom which made us want to experience so much more. I cannot wait to see what we decide to do next.
Check out more information about Dunn’s River Falls