This excursion was in Cancun Mexico. I had my Mom and one of my best friends Alina with me. We took a two hour boat ride into the middle of the ocean. We were told that the water went thousands of feet down, when we looked into the water all we saw was darkness and we could not see the bottom. It was so fascinating to look down and realize how deep the water goes. We were all so excited to swim with the whale sharks. The boat was rocking back and forth constantly. Sometimes things do not always go as planned on excursions and things can go wrong. That day me and my mom got seasick for the first time ever. Before we felt seasick me and my mom went into the water and swam with the whale sharks, they are so beautiful also are such gentle creatures. But when we got back on the boat, that is when we started to feel sick. The boat rocking back and forth was not fun and it made us very nauseous. All I wanted to do was get back in the water because it felt better to be in the water than it did to be on the boat. After a while of trying to hold back from throwing up, I finally threw up off the side of the boat because I could not hold it in any longer. After throwing up I felt so much better and decided to go swim with the whale sharks again. So even though I got seasick, I did not regret it at all. I had such an amazing time and I would do it again.